更新於: 2014-05-10
刊登者: Linda
*專業教授鋼琴樂理練耳* *專業鋼琴伴奏* *Professional Piano & Theory Tuition, Aural Training*
*Professional Piano Accompanist* |
Teacher's Profile 老師簡介 |
| 香港浸會大學音樂系榮譽學士,主修鋼琴 HKBU Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Music, Majoring in Piano 香港浸會大學持續教育學院 - 音樂專才課程文憑
HKBU School of Continuing Education Diploma of Musical Studies (Music Talented Development Programme) 第十五屆香港亞洲鋼琴公開比賽榮譽二等獎 The 15th Hong Kong Asia Piano Open Competition Second Class Honor Award
英國聖三一音樂學院鋼琴雙演奏文憑 (優異) Trinity College of Music ATCL in Piano Performance with Distinction LTCL Recital in Solo Piano with Distinction
英國皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴優異證書 ABRSM Grade 8 Piano Certificate with Distinction
英國皇家音樂學院八級樂理證書 ABRSM Grade 8 Theory Certificate |
Performance experience 個人演出經驗 |
公開演奏會 Public Concerts |
| 客席鋼琴獨奏
鋼琴獨奏音樂: 路易斯. 塞拉諾. 阿拉耳孔 - 魔力
Guest Pianist
Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia
Piano solo: Luis Serrano Alarcón - Duende
客席鋼琴演奏 香港愛樂室樂管樂團
鋼琴伴奏薩克斯管與管樂團音樂: 羅伯特. 莫里尼利 - 紐約四景 (世界首演)
Guest Pianist
Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia
Piano Accompaniment for Saxophone solo and wind ensemble: Roberto Molinelli - Four Pictures from New York (World Premiere)
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| 鋼琴獨奏 個人演講獨奏會
Piano Solo
Lecture Recital
專業鋼琴伴奏演出 Professional Piano Accompanying performance |
悉尼著名大號演奏家 - Steve Rosse 大號大師班及獨奏會2014
Piano Accompanist
Well-known tubist from Sydney - Steve Rosse Tuba Master class & Recital 2014
| 鋼琴伴奏 第二十五屆尤德紀念基金獎學金頒獎典禮音樂會
Piano Accompanist
The 25th Prize Presentation Ceremony of the Sir Edward Youde Momorial Fund
(Photo with famous saxophonist and Lady Youde after the Ceremony)
鋼琴伴奏 英國皇家音樂學院文憑頒獎典禮
Piano Accompanist
ABRSM Diploma Awards Ceremony
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| 鋼琴伴奏 香港演藝學院
Piano Accompanist
Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts
Hong Kong Baptist University
曾擔任鋼琴伴奏之獨奏樂器包括: The experience of Accompanying solo instruments: *弦樂 Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Doublebass)
*木管樂 Woodwind (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone)
*銅管樂 Brass (Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Euphnium)
*敲擊樂 Percussion (Timpani, Marimba)
*聲樂 Vocal 過往演出過的伴奏曲目超過100首!
教學理念 Teaching Idealism *從按琴鍵動作的運用,手勢與坐姿著手,打好基礎 *靈活教學,按不同年齡需要設計教學方法,因材施教 *強調讀譜的重要性,加強學生理解音樂的能力 *以輕鬆學習為主,提高對音樂的興趣 *著重與家長和學生互動,配合適當的練習,讓學習進度更有效率 *鼓勵學生多聆聽演奏會及參與比賽,讓他們有更多機會接觸音樂 *經常分享個人的演出經驗,增加學生對比賽考試的信心
學生比賽考試成績優異 Over 9 years' experience of teaching piano, a patient and methodical piano tutor
Students all receive outstanding results in competitions and exams | |
學生成績 Student achievment |
價錢另議 Provide wedding music service
Price is negotiable
歡迎不同年齡或級數的學生! Welcome student in all ages and levels!
以廣東話,英語或普通話授課 授課地點:灣仔區
更多詳情請瀏覽本人 Facebook page
歡迎致電 96648932 或電郵 [email protected] 聯絡 梁老師 查詢
Available for tutoring in Cantonese, English and Mandarin Studio in Wan Chai district Home tutoring is negotiable
More updates come from my Facebook page
Please contact by phone/whatsapp 96648932 or Email [email protected] Ms. Linda Leung for any enquiries