Stephen, Bin Chih Heng was born in Hong Kong. He began piano lessons at the age of 6 and Cello at 8. His first mentor was Mr. Cheung Ming Yuen and he graduated at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts (HKAPA) with a Bachelor Degree (honor). During his studies, he was honored a few scholarships which included the Exxon Mobile scholarship and Jackie Chan Charitable Scholarship, and finally a full Scholarship presented by the HKAPA Society. He has studied cello under Professor Ray Wang in his undergraduate studies. Other mentors include Prof. Yu Ming Qing, Prof. Li Zhi Wu and Rhonder Rider and Niklas Schmidt. He has also studied String Quartet and Chamber Music performance with Prof. Michael Ma and Prof. Ivan Chan (Miami string quartet 1st Vln).In the Year 2009, Sep, He was selected to be one of the player from HKAPA in the HKPO-HKAPA Project under the Baton of both Perry So and Maestro Edo De Waart.
After graduation, Stephen participated in many music performances locally and overseas, travelled to countries such as Italy, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Macau and Cambodia etc. He collaborated with a great number of conductors such as Esa-Pekka Salonen, Edo De Wart, Perry So, François Xavier Roth, James Judd, Richard Pontzious, Jean Thorel, Jimmy Chiang, Chinary Ung, and Dr. Yip Wai Hong etc.
Currently, Stephen is a freelance cellist of the Macau Orchestra, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Composer’s Guild, New Music Ensemble, Hong Kong Virtuosi and Cellistra, Asian Youth Orchestra (2008-2010) etc. In 2011, he became the guest principal cellist of the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. In addition, Stephen often participates in recordings and live performances of pop music, and had worked with many famous Hong Kong pop singers. He also holds the Teaching Position at Yip's Children Performing art centre and Pui ching Primary school.
卞祉恆先生出生於香港,6歲起學習鋼琴,8歲起學習大提琴。早年跟隨張明遠先生習琴,其後考入香港演藝學院同時獲得HKAPA Society頒發全費獎學金及Exxon-Mobile、Jackie-Chan 獎學金並完成大提琴演奏文憑及取得榮譽音樂藝術學士學位。師承王磊教授,同時跟隨過François SALQUE、Rhonder Rider、Niklas Schmidt,俞明清及李繼武教授等大師習琴,另外跟隨馬忠為及陳浩堂教授學習弦樂四重奏及室樂演奏。在2009年的九月,他以學徒的身份代表演藝學院與香港管弦樂團樂手於尖沙嘴文化中心表演,由副指揮蘇柏軒與音樂總監艾度·迪華特帶領。
卞氏畢業後積極投入於各類音樂演奏,同時經常授獲邀參與海外演出,足跡包括意大利、日本、南韓、台灣、北京、上海、澳門、柬埔寨等地。合作過的指揮家包括有 Esa-Pekka Salonen、Edo De Wart、Perry So、François Xavier Roth、Matthias Bamert、James Judd、Jean Thorel、Richard Pontzious、Jimmy Chiang、Chinary Ung、葉惠康博士等。參與過的樂團包括有:澳門樂團、香港城市室樂團、香港創樂團、Hong Kong Virtuosi、Cellistra、 亞洲青年管弦樂團 (2008-2010) 等,2011年起出任泛亞交響樂團大提琴首席。除古典音樂外,卞氏也經常參與流行音樂演出及錄音工作,合作過的歌手包括了陳奕迅、張學友、林憶蓮、陳潔兒、倫永亮、杜自持、黃貫中、徐小鳳、葉德嫻等。除了忙於表演以外,他也在教學上不為餘力。他已是葉氏兒童音樂實踐中心以及培正小學導師等要職。