何志文2012於年畢業Guildford School of Acting並獲英國薩里大學頒發音與歌唱碩士,05年獲音樂劇榮譽學士學位。02年畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈深造文憑。何氏於GSA獲數舞臺獎後 ,繼續在英國,美國和亞洲演唱音樂會, 音樂劇和電影製作。02年曾為江澤民於香港回歸五周年晚會作獨唱。05年被邀請到皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳演唱及首演Side Show。
曾參與的莎士比亞及其他舞台劇目包括:《All’s Well That Ends well》、《大驚小怪》、《海鷗》、《伯里克利》
在英及美之主要國家巡回演出包括《國皇與我》和《西貢小姐》。曾擔任音樂劇主角劇目《走過的快樂日子》、《為你瘋狂》、《42街》、 《Candide》、《Street Scene》、《迪克惠廷頓和他的貓》、《羅伯特和伊麗莎白》及《芝加哥》。
Simon Peter Ho has completed an M.A. Practice of Voice and Singing, GSA University of Surrey, B.A. (Honors) Guildford School of Acting, major in Musical Theatre and Advanced Diploma in Dance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with scholarships.
In 2002, Simon was invited to sing as a solo artist for the President of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin. In 2005, he debuted at the Royal Albert Hall in the Spirit of Fire concert and premiered Side Show in the UK. His professional credits amongst hundreds include UK National tour of The King and I, Thuy in Miss Saigon US, vocalist for Disney’s Golden Mickeys, MC of My School Rocks 2008, Flynn Rider in Tangled and Wild Feast Stage Art’s Annual productions.
Simon is an accomplished voice and singing coach and has a continuous collaboration with HKAPA EXCEL, performing arts organizations and singing exams.