在我們注重學琴的每個細節,從他們的基本手勢、琴鍵的按下方式等,助他們打下良好的學琴基礎。我們同時相信興趣是學好鋼琴的主要元素,故學員可於學習期間透過接觸不同的樂曲來加強音樂了解能力,並鼓勵他們多參與不同的比賽和聆聽演奏會等,令學習取得最大的成果。此外,所有課程均以三角琴教授,確保學生可循正確的方向學習及打下良好的音樂學習基礎。o 鋼琴課程 (由初級至演奏級)o 考試或比賽鋼琴伴奏 o 樂理課程 (初級至八級)o 視唱訓練 o 鋼琴彈奏技巧提昇講座及訓練(所有課堂均可選用英語、普通話或廣東話教授,歡迎聯絡查詢 )My teaching goal is to help student to built piano skills resulting in competency and proficiency. To achieve the goal, we are not only focus on teach skills and concepts only, but also strengthen student’s abilities to be self-sufficient to read notes, enjoy playing piano and be musically expressive.For the courses, we use Grand Piano for all lessons to ensure students can gain the great learning foundation and enjoy Music.• Piano lessons ( From Elementary to Diploma Level )• Piano Accompany for Exams and Competitions• Music Theory Lessons ( From Grade 1 to Grade 8 )• Aural Skills & Ear-training Lessons• Music / Keyboard Skills workshops* All lessons can be provided in English, Mandarin and Cantonese