英國皇家威爾斯音樂及戲劇學院(榮譽) 學士 畢業- 主修大提琴
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama BMus (Hons), major Cello
DipABRSM Teaching Diploma (Cello)
英國皇家蘇格蘭音樂學院 Junior Department- Cello
Royal Conservatoire Scotland
曾為校內,外管弦樂團擔任大提琴樂師, 並隨樂團於歐洲各地演出, 包括
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Symphony Orchestra
Welsh National Youth Opera - The Sleeper
Handel Opera
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama 1st and 2nd Chamber Orchestra
National Youth Orchestra of Scotland
Edinburgh Youth Orchestra, Fife Orchestra, Perth Community Orchestra
師隨Ms Penny Driver (倫敦LSO 管弦學團大提琴樂師) London Symphony Orchestra
英籍老師- 以英語授課, 加以簡單中文輔助
上課地點: 荔枝角/ 上門
EMAIL: [email protected]/ Mobile: 64302577 (Whatsapp)