香港爵士樂會成立於2000年,是本港少有以推廣爵士樂為主的非牟利團體。創會成員大多是愛好爵士樂的人士, 曾經參加工作坊而走在一起。鑒於本港爵士樂的欣賞者並不普遍,對於爵士樂的認識也停滯不前,因此,我們希望能夠以香港為基地,把爵士樂的精神、歷史與發展向所有華人社區推介,凝聚爵士樂界力量,帶動新氣象。Hong Kong Jazz Association was founded by a group of closely-knit jazz lovers who became friends after attending a Jazz workshop in 2000. The association is now a non-profit-making organization with Jazz music promotion among the Chinese communities in Hong Kong as its aims. Since its inception, HKJA has organized many events and months-long jazz programs. It has a record of inviting talented and big-time overseas artists alike to take part including, among others, Tiger Okoshi from Japan, Dale Barlow from Australia, Damon Brown from UK, Quinsin Nachoff from Canada. Jazz has became more and more popular in Asia. Many talented artists are still waiting to be explored and recognized. HKJA needs your continuous support and participation to promote Jazz music in the Chinese community.
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