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Innonation Productions has been raising the bar in Live Music performances

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-10-27 刊登者: Innonation productions

Established in 2004, Innonation Productions has been raising the bar in Live Music performances. From the staples - string quartets, piano trios, jazz bands - consisting of vibrant and talented musicians whose professionalism ensures utmost reliability, to the exotic and zesty arrangements - crossovers of genres such as classical, jazz, traditional Chinese, electronic music - Innonation has gained considerable recognition for unparalleled creativity and originality at the most prestigious events and venues.

There is no secret in such a strong production team; it is Innonation's commitment to widen the scope and possibilities in Live Music, and the relentless pursuit for better quality in serving clients who take music as seriously as Innonation does.

Our professionals are true musicians. We do not treat our music as merely a job. We build our career upon pioneering new frontiers of music and delivering music that we enjoy. That is why we have all these public performances to let our audience sample our quality and commitment.

Tel: 3188-2466

Email: [email protected]

ADD:Room 22A, Vulcan House, 21 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


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