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L'amour Strings -以優等成績考獲倫敦聖三一音樂學院之弦樂四重奏

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-03-24 刊登者: L''amour Strings
L'amour Strings 以優等成績考獲倫敦聖三一音樂學院之弦樂四重奏 L’amour Strings是由一班熱愛音樂的年輕人成立之註冊表演團體,旨在為熱愛音樂的閣下提供專業現場演奏服務。 我們曾應邀於不同的場合參與演出;如晚宴,婚禮,酒會,商場,私人派對及公司活動等,並大獲好評。無論戶外表演或是室內演奏,經由我們精心安排的台上演出或現場背景音樂定能令閣下的活動生色不少。  我們的組合包括弦樂四重奏(二只小提琴,中提琴,大提琴),小提琴二重奏(二只小提琴)和小提琴獨奏(小提琴和鋼琴伴奏),豎琴及管風琴等等。在這些樂器的配搭下,演奏曲目可謂包羅萬有,定能為閣下的盛大活動添上獨特的色彩。  L'amour Strings於每次的演出,均會由樂手親自與閣下溝通及安排,以保證我們能為閣下提供最專業的意見。 L'amour Strings 曾於各種類型的場地演出,經驗甚豐。自成立以來,我們所演出過的酒店及場地超過八十多個,對於各種場合,由婚禮,公司週年晚宴以至商場內的大型宣傳活動,我們均能為閣下安排最佳的演奏,務求令閣下的節目錦上添花。 L’amour Strings 對每次演出的水準均要求嚴謹,並力求盡善盡美。我們按樂手演奏時間長短及樂隊形式釐定收費。以弦樂四重奏為例,六十分鐘的演奏只需三千多元。閣下可先行告訴我們於這方面的預算,讓我們為新人安排一場既經濟,又精彩的表演。


L'amour Strings--- music in passion....


The string quartet in Hong Kong with a distinction credit in advanced recital ensemble- Trinity College London.


L'amour Strings is a registered performance group based in Hong Kong, with extensive experience in performing at weddings, banquets, cocktail sessions, and corporate events.


Our most popular offers are string ensembles such as string quartet, trio, duet and solo. In addition, piano, harp, singers and pipe organ are available.


For each of the event, our musicians will communicate with you direct, to ensure we can provide you with the most professional ideas.


Since our establishment, we have been invited to perform in numerous prestige hotels and venues. Our experience in performing in weddings, corporate annual dinners to shopping mall mega promotions would surely help to make your event the most impressive one ever.

 Fees are charged according to the format of ensemble and the performance duration. For a one-hour string quartet performance (4 musicians), for example, the cost would be $3000 something. You may always let us know your budget so that we could tailor-make an affordable music programme for you.
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