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立即加入United Friends' Orchestra

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-01-07 刊登者: United Friends' Orchestra
我們要承認藝術發展在香港生活質素中起著支撐的作用。對比起其他的國際大都會,如柏林、倫敦、紐約、巴黎等,各地政府在推動音樂發展上的投入比香港政府多出超過十倍,看看他們為藝術的犧牲多麼大!而反觀我們,要找政府興建多個音樂廳或露天音樂場地簡直是妙想天開。希望大家加入我們:United Friends' Orchestra,聯合所有音樂家為提昇港人的生活質素出一分力。
Nowadays in Hong Kong, we have good urban planning, 12 years of free education and solid communication channels between the Government and citizens. In addition, we are able to enjoy clean air, food and water. Material wise, Hong Kong citizens enjoy a life of outstanding quality. However, it is observed with regret that the more abundant we are materially, the more barren our spiritual lives are. In order to be worthy of the description "enjoying a high living standard", people in Hong Kong must learn to embrace both material and spiritual aspects of life. Music showers uncountable blessings on those who are willing to listen with keen ears. If we allow it to become part of our lives by just listening with greater care, it will be able to quench the thirst of our souls and transform us inside-out.

We have to recognize the vital role which musicians play in raising the quality of life in Hong Kong. When compared with other prestigious metropolises such as London, Berlin, Paris and New York, it is easy to see Hong Kong's shortcomings in promotion of the arts. Requesting the government to construct more concert halls or opera houses seems to be a task of insurmountable difficulty. Determined to play a part in enriching the cultural life of Hong Kong, the United Friends' Orchestra dedicates itself to promoting classical music to the public. We look forward to having you as part of our league today! May we be forever united in our quest for the betterment of Hong Kong's quality of life and for the love of music.
P.S: 若各位是其他樂團之團員,請繼續參加其樂團的各項音樂會,推廣古典音樂。本樂團之創團目的是向各團員提供一個全面的交流平台,希望以全年青人的心態去演繹音樂。
If you are interested in our orchestra, please feel free to contact our founders:
Roden Chan
phone no. : 9084 0580
E-mail/MSN: [email protected]
Stella O
phone no. : 9368 9126
E-Mail/MSN: [email protected]

United Friends' Orchestra's Official E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=49994720350
地點: 香港大會堂/Stanley Community Hall
UFO首演音樂會/UFO Stanley concerts
Time : 1pm - 3pm (Sat)
Venue : Government Community Hall in Stanley
Nominal charges : 每4節彩排$150 (作樂團基本開支用,如租場/表演/影印/買譜及借用樂器等)
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性