1. 88DB
  2. 手機電腦互聯網
  3. 網頁設計

Homepage Hongkong was a backup web designer

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-12-14 刊登者: hphk

Homepage HongKong Communications (HPHK)

It all began in the late summer of 1996, four young people who shared the common passion for the Internet got together and called themselves Homepage Hongkong. It was primitive and straightforward - simply to squeeze in all available knowledge and aim for the highest quality. It wasn't for money - it was a matter of ego - a matter of self.

By 1997, Homepage Hongkong was a backup web designer for ABC Net, Chevalier, Hongkong Supernet and other local ISPs. Ego then became business.

During 1997 to 2000 Homepage Hongkong captured over 60 major brand names in its portfolio - mind you, not that these clients happened to have purchased some banner ads from us and we so listed their names, but it is because they appointed us as their official homepage producer - for each and everyone.

By today, Homepage Hongkong had handled over three hundred large and small projects. And we are moving on to overseas markets. Yet, we still see ourselves as beginners - for the world of Internet has no ends.

Besides, making homepages (or "inventing homepages" to us) we also offer a wide of range web related services, including:

Website Maintenance - periodical content update, and layout redesign

Web Hosting - we have an exclusive T1 leased line, secured by firewalls and supported with the latest server technologies

Multimedia & Graphic Productions - Flash animations, Interactive CD-ROM productions, and graphical outputs

E-Commerce and Online Trading Development - we have proven solutions for developing on-line shopping and establishing e-commerce portals.

Application Development - custom developed / packaged applications to enhance your business whether it is about tracing your web statistics or backend data administration

Domain Name Registration - to register an available domain name of your choice

Others - please feel free to discuss with us your plans and instructions and let us can share our experience with you.

Hotline (HK):+ 852 2132 5789
Hotline (CN):+ 852 2132 5788
E-mail:[email protected] ............... [ Enquiry Form ]

Address:suites 2203-06, office tower, langham place,
8 arygle st., mongkok, kowloon, hongkong.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性