1. 88DB
  2. 手機電腦互聯網
  3. 網頁設計

we offer services for website planning, design, content development and programming

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-09-19 刊登者: MEDCOM LIMITED
Established in 1995, publishing and web development are the core businesses of Medcom, with particular strength in the medical field. We have an experienced team to publish journals, books and customised publications, providing full range of services from editorial liaison, typesetting, printing to distribution and recruiting advertisements. Our expertise in publishing service conforms to international standards. Collaborating with leading international publishers, we help professionals meet their needs and produce publications with global appeal.

Integrating design and technology, we offer services for website planning, design, content development and programming, as well as e-commerce business development. A professional team of web designers, multimedia designers and programmers works closely with our clients to fulfill their business aspirations. Our service also includes website hosting and maintenance, providing a hassle free solution for clients' web presence.


We publish journals for learned societies, conforming to international standards. We publish books for organisations and individuals both in English and Chinese. Customisation and translation service are available to meet specific needs.

Services include :

    editorial liaison and support
    management of manuscripts and peer-review process
    design, typesetting and layout
    production editing, references and style checking
    recruiting advertisements
    distribution and lettershop

Publishing portfolio

Web development

For a new web presence, we start with the planning stage to discuss the needs and aspirations of our client, working out a framework that best utilises the advantages of cyberspace. We offer professional design, both graphic and multimedia, and deploy the latest web technologies to deliver state-of-art websites to meet requirements of clients.

Our experienced programming team can develop sophisticated web-based applications to meet requirements for interactive features, intranet environment and e-commerce business.

We offer a total solution with services including planning, design, multimedia development, programming, hosting, updating and maintenance.

Web development portfolio

Secretariat services

Extensive experience in providing secretarial support for societies, including member communications, membership maintenance, document archiving, activities management, etc., a cost effective solution to run a society without the hassle of operating a physical secretarial office.


Tel: (852) 2578 3833
Fax: (852) 2578 3929

E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.medcom.com.hk

Address: Room 504-5, Cheung Tat Centre, 18 Cheung Lee Street, Chai Wan, H.K.

Mapping Public Health

Public Hospital Scores



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