1. 88DB
  2. 手機電腦互聯網
  3. 程式編寫

Freelance Programmer, website, system, 開發,更新任何網站或系統

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Mr Chan

本人有十年以上編寫網頁及電腦系統經驗, 如有意開發, ,設計或更新 任何網站或系統 , 可致電 60672637 或電郵 [email protected] 與本人( Ivan Chan ) 聯絡, 謝謝! 

Queen Mary, University of London - 計算機科學(榮譽)一級榮譽
香港專業教育學院 - 資訊科技高級文憑


- 開發和管理網站,報告系統,登記系統和統計調查系統
(PHP, HTML, Javascript, CSS , MSSQL, MySQL, VB)

- 開發和管理系統,包括報告,管理,熱線電話和工作流程系統等
(Javascript, VB, .Net, ASP, C, HTML, XML, Crystal Report, MSSQL, Access, Oracle, Server, IIS, Windows 2003 Server, 2000 Server, XP, NT )

- 開發和管理招生,圖書館和行政系統
(Javascript, .Net, C#, XML, ASP, Crystal Report, MSSQL)

- 開發和管理ERP系統,包括會員管理,產品管理,賬單管理,佣金計算,庫存管理和報告系統等
(Javascript, ASP, HTML, Crystal Report, MSSQL Server, Access)

(Javascript, ASP, HTML, VB, Access )

I have more then ten years expericence in developing systems and websites, if you need help to develop, design or modify any websites, applications or systems , please contact me ( Ivan Chan) at 60672637 or by email [email protected]. Thanks!


Queen Mary, University of London - B. Sc. (Honours) Computer Science with First Honours

Hong Kong Institution of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) - Higher Diploma in Information Technology

Work Experience

Hong Kong University (5 years)
- develop and maintain web sites, report system, registration system and survey system for the department.
(PHP, HTML, Javascript, CSS , MS SQL, My SQL)

PCCW (3 years)
- Develop and maintain systems, including reporting, administration, hotline and workflow systems, etc.
(Javascript, VB, .Net, ASP, C, HTML, XML, Crystal Report, MS SQL, Access, Oracle, Server, IIS, Windows 2003 Server, 2000 Server, XP, NT )

City University (half year)

- Develop and maintain internal systems which include enrolment, library and administration systems
(Javascript, .Net, C#, XML, ASP, Crystal Report, MS SQL)

HKB2B Limited (1 year)

- Develop and maintain a web-base ERP system for companies containing different staff, member, product, POS, commission, inventory and report modules
(Javascript, ASP, HTML, Crystal Report, MS SQL Server, Access)

Queen Mary Hospital (1 year)

Develop and maintain application and web site for administration purposes
(Javascript, ASP, HTML, VB, Access )

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性