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  3. 程式編寫

GH Technology Company Limited

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-08-31 刊登者: 盈健科技有限公司
GH Technology Company Limited provides corporate solutions to enhance your corporate operation efficiency and help you to become a learning corporate to win in the knowledge economy. Our vision is to extend the corporate ability to be a life-long learning corporate. We devote to provide a splendid knowledge paradigm to success. Our Medical Managment System and Services, Health Screening Services, Cheese eLearning Services and Global Hosting Services should meet you needs. You are welcome to contact us for more detail.

Room 308, 3/F., Dannies House
20 Luard Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong  

Phone :(852) 2573-4388
Fax:     (852) 2573-4004
Email : [email protected]
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