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Our company have strong backup service for every job we had made

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-07-28 刊登者: qandastation
Our services
1. Company PC Maintenance
2. Technical Support and maintenance (Monthly Package)
3. Harddisk Data Recovery (WINDOWS, LINUX, UNIX, MAC, RAID)
Hard disk data for above O/Ss (disk size 3.5″, 2.5″, 1.8″) Price range up from HK$2,000.00
Our company have strong backup service for every job we had made. Including 30 day FREE Online support (via telephone, email or Remote control gateway). If any customer not satisfy with our service which we done. Money back guarantee within 14 days after service
Basic service charge (per job), $300.- Hong Kong dollars
(additional traffic cost excluded)
**Final quotation will be issued before each job.
Please contact us at:
email: [email protected]
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性