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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-12-29 刊登者: 天域電子
Call our service hotline  +852 2267 2268  致電服務熱線 +852 2267 2268

Earth Electronics is a major provider of professional telecommunications engineering, we can provide total solutions on design, installation, construction, testing, provisioning, monitoring and management services. Our expertise rests in network technologies, including Data, Voice and multi-media networking, with a 24-hour emergency hotline, which is complemented by engineering teams, we are capable of providing the necessary ***istance at all times. For guaranty, we provide 3 years for free after the job done.
天域電子的專業團隊經驗豐富,設計及建造嶄新的數據、通訊及多媒體網絡, 採用先進光纖及通訊電纜連接客戶所需, 提供可靠及穩定的電腦、電話、電視及多媒體網絡工程,我們專業的服務提供全面設計、安裝、測試、維修及管理服務,亦可按客戶需要作出24小時緊急維修服務‧ 在服務過程中,我們提供專業團隊監管及協調、務求工程如期竣工,完成工程後亦提供3年免費保修保證 

Structure Cabling (Installation of Optical FibreTwisted Pair CableCoaxial Cable)
網絡線路建造 (光纖‧雙絞線‧同軸電纜)
Installation of Equipment (ModemWireless Router LAN SwitchPABXVOIPFirewallHDTV Antenna & DecoderSatellite DishCCTV ….)  
設備安裝 (數據機‧無線路由器‧局域網轉換器‧電話系統機‧IP電話系統‧防火牆‧高清電視天線及解碼器‧衛星電視天線‧閉路電視等…..) 

Installation of Server Hardware and Software (File ServerFax ServerMail ServerPrint Server )
伺服器軟硬件安裝及設定 (檔案伺服器‧傳真伺服器‧.電子郵件伺服器‧打印伺服器) 

Development of E-Commerce (Web Shop
Documents Management System over InternetJob Reporting over Internet DVR SystemAttendance and Access Control) *** Free web hosting service
建立電子商務平台 (網上商店‧網上文件管理系統‧網上工作報告系統‧網上電郵系統‧網上實時監控及進出系統‧網上實時監控考勤系統) ***免費寄存網站伺服器

Selling of Telecommunication Service (Lease Line
Broadband Service Hunting Line Direct Exchange Line Fax Line e-Fax Mobile SIMM IDD Pay TV)
銷售電訊服務 (專線‧寬頻服務‧電話跳線‧電話直接線‧傳真線‧電郵接收傳真服務‧流動電話服務‧長途電話服務‧收費電視服務) 

Job Reference

Providing field services to School, SME, Corp & Government. Besides, We are the contractor of Telecom Company in Hong Kong, we provide the installation and maintenance services for the broadband, voice and pay TV services, 
我們曾服務過的客戶包括學校團體,各行企業及政府部門。另外,我們亦是電訊公司及多媒體公司的服務承辦商,承辦工作包括: 寬頻安裝及維修,電話安裝及維修及收費電視安裝等。 

We did over ten thousand of each broadband, voice and pay TV service, we did over thousand of lease line for VPN as well (including country to country interconnection)
我們曾經安裝過以萬計的寬頻、電話及收費電視服務,建立過以千計的專線虛擬私人網絡 (VPN)  (包括不同國家專線連接)


Call our service hotline  +852 2267 2268
致電服務熱線 +852 2267 2268
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