Macromedia Certified Flash MX 2004 Developer
Macromedia Certified Flash MX 2004 Developer 是由 Macromedia 制定的專業證書,此證書的考試內容都是環繞著全新 Flash MX 2004 的基本運用,動畫設計,Flash Script 的編寫,語法的運用,考試主要測試考生對 Flash MX 的架構及語法運用的技考。
本中心全新推出 Macromedia Certified Flash MX 2004 Developer 專業證書課程,教授最新 Flash MX 2004 的安裝設定,動畫設計,以及一切新功能的運用,課程中亦會針對考試內容作出編排,為考生提供模擬試題分析,為考試作出最好的準備。
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Exam 602 : Macromedia Certified Flash MX 2004 Developer |
適合人仕 : 網頁設計人員,網站管理員。
修讀條件 : 具有基礎 Windows 系統操作經驗 對電腦及動畫設計有濃厚興趣 具有一至兩年使用 Dreamweaver 和 Flash 經驗 擁有互聯網及網頁設計有基本概念
課程包括 : - Macromedia Flash MX 2004 課本 - 最新 考試試題連參考答案 - 一人一機實習 |
Certificate Sample
參加考試 :
報考 Macromedia Certified Flash MX 2004 Developer,可以在任何一間 VUE 認可考試中心報考,考試費為港幣 $1200,時間為 2 小時,題目有 65 條選擇題,答對七成便可於六至八個星期後收到證書。
授課語言 : 以廣東話授課為主,亦會以英語輔助。
課程全長 : 18 小時
開課日期 : 詳情請與本中心職員聯絡,電話 2380 9888。
課程費用 : 港幣 $ 2,380
課程內容 :
Unit 1: Introducing the Course
- About the course
- Course objectives
- Course prerequisites
- Course format
- Internet applications: The big picture
Unit 2: Learning the Basics
- Introducing Flash
- Using the Flash interface
- Creating a new Flash document
Unit 3: Creating Graphics
- Importing graphics
- Layering Flash elements
- Organizing content in layer folders
- Creating graphics
- Using the natural drawing tools
- Using color effectively
- Creating a color swatch
- Reusing graphics as symbols
- Masking content
Unit 4: Using Text Effectively
- Using the Text tool
- Creating input, static, and dynamic text fields
- Using embedded or device fonts
- Manipulating font properties
- Building forms in Flash
- Using the text property to populate fields
- Anti-aliasing text
- Using text components in Flash
Unit 5: Creating Animation
- Introducing animation
- Creating frame-by-frame animations
- Creating motion tweens
- Using motion guide layers
- Creating shape tweens
- Adding Timeline effects
Unit 6: Building a Navigational System
- Creating buttons
- Adding behaviors to buttons
- Creating MovieClips
- Using a MovieClip as a wrapper
- Dividing files into multiple SWFs
- Loading a SWF into a MovieClip
Unit 7: Using MovieClips for Interactive Rich Media
- Using MovieClip events
- Structuring applications using nested symbols
- Building a MovieClip with different states
- Using the Timeline for application states
Unit 8: Adding Sound and Video
- Importing sounds
- Using behaviors to load sounds
- Adding video
- Using the Flash video components
Unit 9: Publishing
- Publishing Flash for web use
- Using Flash and HTML together