1. 88DB
  2. 手機電腦互聯網
  3. 教學進修


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: HPC IT Education Centre

HPC IT Education Centre provides excellent IT training course for those are interested in becoming competent at applying computer knowledge to their daily work. All tutors in our center have been strictly selected for that purpose. We confine the tutor-to-student ratio to 1:12, which is to ensure efficiency in learning. We abide by the above principle of small learning groups, as we believe that group discussion would be more convenient to conduct and students could easily extend their personal network in such manner.


本中心是一間提供電腦培訓服務的教育中心,致力提供高質素課程,所有導師都經過嚴格挑選 ,而師生比例低 , HPC 強調以小組形式學習,通過討論,學員的知識可以更快的自我提升,除可學專業電腦外知識外,也可增進人際網絡。


1. In order to ensure better results in teaching, only not more than ten students are placed in each class and each student is provided a single computer for practice.


2. What we would like to emphasize is that our computer equipment is advanced consisting both wire and wireless networks.


3. Most importantly, all course are kept in pace with the times and tuition fees are affordable.



1. 每班人數不超過12人,藉以提升學習效果


2. 實習課程,一人一機,即時實習,學員直接得益


3. 電腦設備先進、完善,有線及無線網絡合而為一


4. 提供最新課程,與時並進,價錢適中,迎合社會





            (太子地鐵站C1出口轉左, 旺角警署對面)

Address:Unit A, 6/F,The Lamma City , 761 Nathan Road, Prince Edward,


查詢電話2395 9881      FAX : 3740 3587  

電郵[email protected]

辦公時間:星期一至六(上午十 二時至晚上九時)

www.centamap.com/gc/home.aspx  ( 於中原地圖輸入"藍馬之城"找到我們)


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