1. 88DB
  2. 手機電腦互聯網
  3. 電腦及儲存設備

嘉浩集團(香港)有限公司(Kardan Group HK Ltd)為香港註冊公司-業務包括電腦系統服務,電子消費類產品批發,半導體電子零件批發等

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-08-13 刊登者: Kardan Group Limited


嘉浩集團(香港)有限公司(Kardan Group HK Ltd)為香港註冊公司

嘉浩集團(電腦系統)有限公司 (Kardan Group (computer system)Ltd)一向致力為各大小型公司、SOHO提供一站式專業可靠的電腦保養服務。客戶遍佈港、九、新界, 口裨甚佳。近年香港經濟持穩, 新公司創立數目達歷年之冠. 無奈本港寸金尺土, 不少公司都精簡架構,縮減IT人手; 有些新公司甚至以SOHO形式辨公,務求以最少人手, 最低租金減省成本營運公司,郤產生了很多電腦維修/保養上的難題。

回饋顧客 由
即日起 自攜電腦到觀塘維修中心 一律免費檢查  敬請預約


有見及此, 本公司針對SOHO小型/中型辨公室, 提供按月/按次收費, 2小時特快上門維修服務, 所有技術員均具備多年豐富之電腦維修經驗, 並達到大專/大學學歷, 謙恭有禮,務求為客戶提供高質素並專業可靠的服務。

服務包括 :

Virus remove/病毒及惡意程式清除
PC maintenance/桌上電腦維修

Software/hardware installation軟/硬件安裝
OS re-installation重灌作業系統

OS/program enhancement 作業系統/程式優化

Data Backup檔案備份

PC hardware/software upgrade個人電腦軟/硬件升級

Network installation 網絡安裝

Data Recovery數據修復

另提供組裝電腦, 數據修復, 病毒清除服務, 歡迎查詢

服務時間為:星期一至六,上午九時至下午六時 (星期六下午、日及公眾假期休息)

查詢、報價及預約電話:3483-0002 / 6487-6780(直線) 黃先生

電郵:[email protected]
          [email protected]

地址:九龍觀塘開源道73-75號業發工業大廈 12樓 E15 室 (鄰近觀塘地鐵站 B3 出口)

 Enterprise IT Support

IT Support can provide your business a complete range of IT engineering services, from installation and configuration to ongoing maintenance and break fix support. We have particular skills and experience with Microsoft, Unix solutions, Cisco LAN and WAN, as well as backups and business continuity planning.

Our experience is that it is more cost effective and less disruptive for your business to keep your IT equipment performing well and running reliably, our IT Support have maintenance programmes that covers the elements of your network essential to the reliable functioning of your hardware and software.

IT Support take the hassle out of buying IT equipment. We have a very good working knowledge of most of the commonly deployed IT Vendors and provide realistic advice on what will works for you.

For more details, CLICK HERE to view our plan for you!


 Contact us

Address: E15, 12/F, Block 2, Yip Fat Factory Building,
73-75 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Tel: (852) 3483-0002

24 hours support hotline: (852) 6487-6780

email: [email protected]
          [email protected]

Website: http://www.kardangroup.com

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性