1. 88DB
  2. 手機電腦互聯網
  3. 買賣交易

為顧客度身訂造各種電腦系統、 售賣各種電腦零件及周邊設備等

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-05-17 刊登者: Jumbo Computer Supplies

Jumbo Computer Supplies 於1988年成立,至今擁有22年銷售經驗,主要業務包括為顧客度身訂造各種電腦系統、 售賣各種電腦零件及周邊設備等。我們旨於提供高質素服務,員工均具 備豐富電腦知識,為顧客提供專業客觀的意見; 擁有良好溝通技巧,以了解顧客的不同需要。我們設有電腦裝配工場及維修中心,組裝及檢查均由經驗技師負責;自 設貨倉, 使產品選擇多元化、貨源充足穩定。以合理價錢提供可靠產品及完善售後服務,是我們與客戶建立長期良好關係的基礎,亦是促使敝公司業務向前發展的原因。

Jumbo Computer Supplies was established in 1988. We have over 22 years of selling experience, mainly engaged in retailing all kinds of computer accessories and custom made desktop PCs. all of out staffs are experts with superior knowledge in the computer industry . With 22 years of experience under our belt , we understand what your needs are . Also , we have the Engineering Department and Customer Service Department to provide product analysis and maintenance service respectively . To ensure a steady supply of our products , we have a large warehouse to prevent any sellouts . Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us , and we achieve this by maintaining a long-term mutual beneficial relationship with our customers by offering competitive prices reliable and excellent after sales services .

地址:香港九龍旺角奶路臣街 8 - 8A 旺角電腦中心 1 樓 111 室
            Shop 111 1/F, Mongkok Computer Centre, 8-8A Nelson Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
電話(Tel) :2332 9074 / 2332 9075
傳真(Fax):2385 0284
[email protected]

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