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APC Smart-UPS - 提供穩定而可靠的電源,保護重要資料及設備免於發生電力故障

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-02-07 刊登者: 綠燈香港有限公司 6D Hong Kong Limited


APC Smart-UPS 是香港最受歡迎的UPS。無論在伺服器和綱絡儀器的後備電源方面都表現出色,APC UPS 提供穩定而可靠的電源,保護重要資料及設備免於發生電力故障。APC Smart-UPS具有不同尺寸外型可供選擇,而運作時間由幾分鐘到幾小時不等,還可使用額外的管理系統控制外部電腦的開關。對於使用伺服器及網絡的中小型企業而言,APC Smart-UPS的確是不二之選。

APC award-winning Smart-UPS® is the most popular UPS in the world for servers, storage and networks. Trusted to protect critical data and equipment from power problems by supplying clean and reliable network-grade power. Additional manageability options are available through the Smart-Slot interface, which is an internal slot for the installation of optional accessory cards. Available in a variety of form factors (tower, rack mount, rack/tower convertible) there is a model for every application and budget.

APC Smart-UPS 適用於伺服器及網絡設備。如需在線式電源保護 (On-Line UPS)
或額外供電時間,請與我們聯絡。電話: 25250650

APC Smart-UPS is suitable for servers and network equipment. For any online UPS and additional battery for extended runtime, please call us for further information.
Tel: 25250650


6D Hong Kong Limited | 綠燈香港有限公司
Flat F, 11/F., 27-37 D'Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong | 香港中環德己立街27-37號11字樓F座
T: 25250650 F: 30074569 E:
[email protected] W:  www.6dhk.com

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性