碩士級英語老師 - Gloria Luk
英文閱讀 | 英語會話 | 英文寫作 | 英文聆聽
英語碩士級 ; 加拿大Native English Teacher; 名校導師; University of Calgary英國文學碩士-- 專業教授 HKDSE, GCSE, IGCSE, GCE 和IB English, IELTS, TOEFL 和英國文學課程; 特為名校、國際學校、準海外升學同學講解修讀英國文學的考試和論文技巧。
英語老師Gloria Luk成長於加拿大, 畢業於著名學府University of Calgary和University of Western Ontario的英國文學系,獲英國文學一級榮譽碩士、學士和英語教育證書。 (University of Calgary 的英文系是加國文壇的搖籃; University of Western Ontario 的英文系排全球100名之內。)
Gloria擁有超過十年的豐富加、港英語教學經驗; 保證用功的學生都能在一學期內英文科獲10 – 20 分的進步。並設 (自組) 小班和私教, 且收費 大眾化。
Gloria曾在University of Calgary任教論文寫作和英國文學, 現是香港中文大學Hong Kong Writers’ Circle之其中一員。 香港大學英詩集Yuan Yang: A Journal of Hong Kong and International Writing亦刊其英詩作品。
Gloria專業教授本地英語課程、並自编筆記幫助學生準備其它公開考試如: HKDSE, GCSE, IGCSE, IELTS 和 TOEFL。 她了解英、美、加、澳的 ENGLISH LITERATURE 課程, 能助本地名校, 國際學校, 準海外升學和資優的同學奪取優異成績。
對想學習、改善英語會話的同學或在職人仕, 或準備參加英語朗誦比賽的同學, Gloria亦設 Oral English和英語拼音 (英語國際音標IPA證書課程) 。
Gloria是香港少數低調, 有實力和收費大眾化的英語導師之一。 她亦常到各區學校或教學中心服務, 如有興趣舉辨各類英語課程, 歡迎致電聯絡查詢 6386-9319。
詳情亦可瀏覽 www.glorialuk.com 或電郵 [email protected]。
Students of English frequently hear two big myths about learning English:
Myth 1: You can improve your spoken English by just talking to a Native Speaker or attending Phonics Lessons.
Its not true.
For English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) students, the key step to oral proficiency is to learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), a program curriculum that the Hong Kong Educational System largely ignores.
Myth 2: ESL students are nearly incapable of earning an A in English Literature.
Again, not true.
Most of the techniques critical to succeeding in English Literature are not taught by English teachers, whether local or from abroad. Gloria, however, can virtually guarantee that her English Literary classes will enhance your capability by at least one grade after six months, as long as you work diligently.
Gloria can help you improve your English in all aspects, drawing on her more than 10 years’ accumulated teaching experience in Asia and Canada.
Growing up in Canada, Gloria earned a Master’s Degree (Honors) and Bachelor’s Degree (Honors) from the University of Calgary and University of Western Ontario, respectively. The former is the cradle for Canadian Literature, and Westerns is ranked among the Top 100 English Departments worldwide.
Gloria taught Thesis Writing and English Literature at the University of Calgary, and taught at The University of Western Ontarios Writing Workshop. She was an editor for the leading Canadian poetic journal Dandelion, and for large Canadian Petroleum Companies in Calgary. She is one of the few Native-English teachers qualified to teach English Literature on top of the formal English curriculum. Because her parents are Hong Kong immigrants, she is fluent in Cantonese and understands the local needs of her students.
Chiefly a teacher, Gloria is a writer and poet as well, and belongs to the Hong Kong Writers’ Circle at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Some of her recent works are published in Yuan Yang: A Journal of Hong Kong and International Writing, a poetic journal of The University of Hong Kong.
For more information, we encourage you to visit us at www.glorialuk.com, or call us at 63869319.