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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-02-28 刊登者: Tom Yuen
    Tom Sir tsunmingyuenw@gmail.comm +1 319 512 2103 +852 5511 8119 e do 導師背景 美國愛荷華大學化學工程系榮譽學生 多次獲「院長嘉許名單」與「校長嘉許名單」榮譽 多項獎學金獲獎者 曾於研究室擔任數年研究助理,多次公開演講及發表研究論文 多年補習經驗,受學生喜愛 · · · · · 教學方式: 誘導學生,啟發思考,學會如何發問,而非僅教授答題技巧 輕鬆互動,提升學習興趣,培養學生自學能力 度身訂造教學方法 · · 私人補習: 專為中學理科生 ·個別或小組補習 ·授教科目:英、數、理、化、生 .其他可授課程:面試技巧 ·英語授課 Tsun Ming 祝學業愉快! https://m.hk/Lesson-Instruction/Tutor/ad-5550323/ db  Job,
    Q: Give an example where you have experienced the importance of learning how to learn- i.e. improve or reshape the way one learns so that the learning itself becomes more effective. A: I have never really learned the way to learn from anyone else. I have always been a strange learner after all. There is one incident I can share though. When I was in my fifth year of secondary school, my English teacher picked a few students from my class and told us, "If you want a 4 in DSE, you have to do it in my way. Otherwise, you will never get a 4." Since I had always been the kind of person who hates people saying I can't do something, I told her that I will learn English in my own way, and I will get a 4 The tough part is that DSE is never meant for people like me to attend. DSE is so much about the structure. There is no room for creativity, in-depth thoughts and different opinions. Everything is so digital. I didn't speak English well at that time, not to mention the reason above. I Text,Font,Document,
    Q: What are some unique methods you use to help students internalize and retain their understanding/knowledge of a new subject matter? Funnily, I am so notorious for having a horrible memory, but being able to retain most of what we had learned for 5 to 10 years while my classmates forgot everything 5 to 10 minutes after they had taken their tests. No trick, no magic. The key is to stop studying Not kidding. I received an A from an oral exam in the US with the topic "Stop Studying!" You see, studying is for exams, and learning is for you, and only you. If you were an actor, studying would be you being either Romeo or Juliet, and learning would be you being you. A lot of students are mistaken that they have to recite something in order to remember, but it is false. You might be able to read it backward after your serious recitation, but that is only information, and information never stays. In learning, only one thing stays forever, and that is knowledge. Knowledge is yours to Text,Font,
    Q: What is the most rewarding part of being a teacher? A: 5**, right? It is much of a dilemma for me to answer such a question. This is because I hate students getting so many 5**, and that means they are so affected by the education system that they are living in, or maybe I am just a bit envy since I could get no star with quite a lot of college-level knowledge when I was still in secondary school. After a good amount of thinking, I decide to say that the most rewarding part for me being a tutor is to have my students got tons of stars Here's why. I dislike the way we have been taught in Hong Kong so much that I once decided to change the whole education culture here. Not after long, I gave up because I was nobody here. Nonetheless, I recently realized that only a nobody could do things nobody could have done, and that can only be done through small and consistent influences that spread. Through my lessons, I teach students how to fall in love with what they are learning, how to disc Text,Font,Document,
    Q: Aside from having technical knowledge and understanding of the curriculum and subject taught, what are the best qualities of an outstanding tutor/educator, especially in Hong Kong? The most important thing tutors in Hong Kong must possess is not knowledge and understanding of the subject they are teaching, nor is it their passion and desire to learn. As a matter of fact, they don't need a really deep insight at all. The single most important quality they need is this - how to study the way everybody, especially the markers, wants them to, and pass it to their students Studying in Hong Kong for 18 years, I came to the realization that this was not the right place for me to continue my academic growth. I could never figure out what the markers were thinking; yet, this was by far the most important thing we, as students, had to learn unless we didn't want to get over DSE. I can't remember how many times I'd got sent away by teachers, or got that ugly, deprecating look when l asked ques Text,Font,Document,
    Q: What are your thoughts about the future of education or Hong Kong's private education community in particular? When I first saw this question, the first word that pops into my brain is this excrement The education system in Hong Kong is, with all due respect, a complete joke. We are not here to spend 12 years of our lives only learning how to attend public examinations, but unfortunately and disappointedly, we spend perhaps 70-80% of our time only learning how to take the exam. I am glad that we still have 20-30% for the real stuff though Not only the education itself, parents wish their kids to get better education ahead of others, so they spend lots of their money to recruit tutors for their kids and learn so much stuff even when their kids are not ready to. I saw kindergarten students learning words like excavator or pivot joint or chrysanthemum. I mean, I might need a dictionary as well. Yes, they are obviously smart, way too smart but can they really understand what they are le Text,Font,Document

I am a chemical engineering honor student at University of Iowa, USA, listed on both dean’s list and president’s list, recipient of multiple scholarships, and worked in a research laboratory for a few years with multiple presentations and publications.

As a student who is always seeking knowledge, I fully enjoy exploring as well as challenging new ideas. I truly believe that learning is not only for tackling exams, but tackling people and enriching our lives. Therefore, instead of learning solely for DSE or other public examinations, I focus on teaching you how to fall in love with the subjects you are learning. I can help you explore your inner passion hidden for years, or discover it if you haven’t found it yet.

If you are also looking for a chance to improve your English, we can also speak in English during the entire session even if you are here for other subjects. I can also help you change from someone who is guaranteed to score below a 3 in DSE English to someone who scores A in all US college level English courses, just like how I did it.

One more side note. If you have any question, whether it is within or beyond the syllabus, always feel free to message me. I will be more than happy to give you a satisfying response ASAP as long as you are my student. No fee, no pressure, the only thing that matters is that you are willing to learn.

I can tutor English, Maths, M1/M2, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Primary and secondary school students are both welcome for individual or group tutoring with discount. If you are not a student, but is also looking for a chance to learn some English, Maths or others, you are still fully welcomed. Approximately HKD 150 – 250 per hour.

電話:+852 5511 8119
WhatsApp:+1 319 512 2103
電郵:[email protected]
Please contact me via
Phone: +852 5511 8119
WhatsApp: +1 319 512 2103
Email: [email protected]

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