資歷 Qualifications
- 英國劍橋大學碩士 (優異) Postgraduate from the University of Cambridge (Merit)
- 香港中文大學英文系一級榮譽畢業,連續四年被選入院長名單 English Major graduating with First-Class Honours from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, awarded the Dean’s List for 4 consecutive years
- 大學畢業論文奪得 A 級以及中大英文系之「最佳畢業論文獎」Dissertation graded A and awarded the ‘Exemplary Capstone Projects’ (Link: http://www.eng.cuhk.edu.hk/?page_id=1962)
- 2014香港文憑試英國語文科所有分卷均取得5** 作文卷更取得滿分 (21/21) 2014 HKDSE English Language Straight 5** (Full Mark in Paper 2 Writing)
- 2013香港文憑試英國文學科取得5** (該年考試裡全港唯一男考生取得5**等級) HKDSE Literature in English 5** (the ONLY male candidate who obtained 5** in that year)
- 五年教學經驗 Five Years of tutoring experience
-「文憑試英文科議論文5**星級攻略」一書作者,2016年於書展熱賣並在全港各大書局皆有售 Author of ‘Advancing from Level 4 to 5** in HKDSE English Language’ which was greeted with popular sales in Hong Kong Book Fair and bookstores across Hong Kong
- 曾於大型補習社擔任補習天王之助教Worked in large-scale tutorial centre as teaching assistant
- 連續三年於社區中心舉辦DSE模擬考試,大獲好評 Organised DSE mock exams in community centres for three consecutive years greeted with favourable feedback
- 於聯校模擬口試中擔任主考官 Examiner in inter-school mock oral examination
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