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專業英文科/Eng Lit 補習 IB Tutor / IELTS / IGCSE 補習/HKDSE/IB 國際學校補習;名校導師; 加拿大Native English Teacher Ms. A.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-06-08 刊登者: monikat

A小姐曾為來自劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)、南加洲大學(Universityof Southern California)和多倫多大學(University of Toronto)博士生提供專業


國際中學教育普通證書(iGCSE)A小姐主要教授iGCSE課程(Edexcel / AQA / CIE)中的英語(A)和英語文學。她所教導的學生來自不同的國際學校,包括德瑞國際學校、英基學校協會營辦的國際學校、耀中國際學校及蘇浙公學國際部。學生只要參加不多於10節的課程,便能充分掌握考試的基本技巧及知識,她更曾成功預測英語文學中小說學習部分的題目。

A小姐擁有豐富的IELTS考試培訓經驗,曾協助不同背景的人士(包括成人和青少年)提升應考 IELTS 的能力。憑藉個人獨創心法及筆記,A小姐於 IELTS 考
如果您曾五度參加雅思考試,但仍不知道未能取得理想成績的原因,那您現在在已找到救星,我們提供的 IELTS 培訓課程將是你的不二之選。
如果您在IELTS 考試上需要更廣泛而全面的協助,惟預算相對有限,我們會為您提供具吸引力的課程組合,以滿足您的需求。

一言以蔽之,A小姐能提供真正切合學生需要的英語培訓課程 — 無論是就希薇亞·普拉斯(Sylvia Plath)作品作即興個人口頭評論,還是就未被深入研究的主
題撰寫拓展論文(Extended Essay)的課程,學生皆能在課程中滿載而歸。
無論是那個課程,我們建議並鼓勵學生先報讀一班。就報名參加了我們IB英語課程的學生,我們會就學生的課堂作業、拓展論文(Extended Essay) 和知識論(TOK)提供豐富詳盡的協助及指導。同時,如果學生須報讀大學課程,我們會就撰寫自我介紹及其他方面提供適切的支援。

如有任何疑問,歡迎隨時致電9191 3074或透過WhatsApp聯絡我們。


In terms of English Literature and/or English language, Ms. A can guarantee an improvement in all aspects of English with her abundant experience from working with students from all walks of life. 

Ms. A has professionally edited journal papers for Ph.D. thesis candidates from Cambridge, University of Southern California, and the University of Toronto respectively.

Ms. A is teaching students from both famous local and international schools as well as professional working adults who need help in English communication.

She is one of the few Native-English teachers who are able to guarantee a score no lower than level 5 for HKDSE English Literature and no lower than a level 5 for IB English A Literature/Language and Literature (based on current statistics since 2014).

She also successfully predicted two Paper 2 topics for the English Language and Literature in the 2018 May examination, giving her students a leg up. 

What about iGCSE?

Ms. A has taught students from GSIS, ESF schools, Yew Chung and KCIS iGCSE (Edexcel/AQA/CIE) English Language A and English Literature. Students generally need no more than 10 lessons to fully grasp the basics of the exam, and Ms. A has successfully predicted the topics for the English Literature novel study sections in the exams. 

What about IELTS? 
Ms. A has worked with a variety of individuals (adults and adolescents) on IELTS. Having an overall score of IELTS 9 herself and having tested the exams based on her notes, Ms. A has refined the lessons to cater to all individuals looking for immigration or to study abroad.

If you have taken the IELTS 5 times and you still do not know why you are getting an undesirable score, you have come to the right place.

If you need extensive help on IELTS but on a reasonable budget, we have attractive packages to cater to your needs. 

The key to Ms. As success in teaching? 
She gives students what they want and what they need.
Whether it is an impromptu lesson on Sylvia Plaths oeuvre for the individual oral commentary or a lesson on an Extended Essay topic that is understudied, students walk away satisfied with the lesson they learned. 


For any lessons, we encourage students to sign up for one class first.

For students that are enrolling in the IB program with us, we give extensive help on coursework as well as Extended Essay + TOK. 
We also provide inclusive help for the personal statement and support with university admissions should the need arises.

We provide FREE assessments and FREE consultations about the subject/exam concerns. 

For more information, we encourage you to call OR WhatsApp us at 9191 3074.

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