1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 補習


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2017-09-12 刊登者: Ms Ko

十年以上 兼 大學畢業多年
精補 F. 4 F.5 及個人英專
本人亦有替大學 大一 大二生
補習英文科 及 論文課程
此外 也精補 小五 小六 升中入分試
經驗信心之選 進步保証
區域 : 天水圍區

歡迎致電6181 7467

或 whatsapp 查詢


Experienced English tutor

I am a recent repatriate with over 10 years of Eng teaching experience in Hong Kong. I am thoroughly accustomed to assisting students who have problems in reading and writing skill. My adult clients include under-graduate and graduate universities students. I specialized in preparing work for high school students for TOEFL tests as well as assisting students to achieve all level of exams.
I have net tutorial with over 10 years in tutorial agencies. My primary interest is tutoring secondary & university students and who have interest in improving their oral or written Eng ability who also concern about learning what is required to pass their exams. I have been a full time tutoring since 2002.


Pls feel free to contact or whatsapp 6181 7467  Ms Ko

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性