● 前無古人IT教學 Kenneth 首創IT 補習教學,會利用iPad 上課解說,並即日將課堂抄寫重點及將部份題目上載予學生溫習,使學習效能提升
● 網上問書 將設 Facebok Page 隨時解答同學們數學問題
● 數學新世代Youtuber 將設 Youtube Channel 陸續上載University Maths 以及 F4- F6 Dse Maths 的教學片
● 獨家奪A and 奪 5** 筆記 每位報讀University Maths / F4 - F6 Maths course 的學生均會免費獲取由 Kenneth 撰寫的獨家奪A / 奪5** 筆記
*********9月常規課程 (升Year 2 / Year 1 數理系學生 , 升S4 - S6 HKDSE Maths Core / M1 / M2 學生:*********
為照顧不同學生的學習需要,Kenneth 將於暑期開設以下課程:
A. University Maths 大學高等數學課程 (學費: $650 4堂, 每堂 2小時)
(適合升大學 Yr1 - Yr2 數理系學生 / Analysis 底子薄弱的學生 / 已完成 M1/M2 課程而對數學有濃厚興趣
- Logic and set notations, Introduction to method of contradiction
- Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem
- Continuity and differentiability, Limit of a function, Application of differentiation
(Concavity & Convexity , Mean Value Theorem)
- Series and Limit of a sequence, Definition of Supremum and Infimum
- Introduction to Linear Algebra (Linear dependence, Eigenvalue and eigenvectors)
- Inequalities for Mathematical applications (Triangle inequality & Cauchy Schwarzs Inequality)
- More about Complex Number (De Moivres Theorem and its application, The n-th root of complex number)
- Technique of Integration and its application (Reduction formula, Setting up Inequalities in definite integrals)
B. 升F6 Mathematics (Core) 數學必修部份課程 (學費: $600 4堂, 每堂 2小時)
- Application of Trigonometry (三角學的應用)
- Arithmetic Sequence & Geometric Sequence (等差和等比數列)
- Probaility (概率)
- Permutation and Combination (排列與組合)
C. 升F5 Mathematics (Core) 數學必修部份課程 (學費: $500 4堂, 每堂 1.5小時)
- Logarithmic functions and exponential functions (對數函數及指數函數)
- Basic properties of circle (圓的基本性質)
D. 升F4 Mathematics (Core) 數學必修部份課程 (學費: $500 4堂, 每堂 1.5小時)
- Quadratic Equations and nature of roots (二次方程及根的性質)
- Functions (函數)
- Quadratic function & its graph (二次函數及其圖像)
E. 升F5 & 升F6 Mathematics (Module 2 M2) 數學延伸部份(單元二)課程
(學費: $600 4堂, 每堂 2小時)
- Limit and derivatives (極限和導數)
- Application of differentiation (微分的應用)
- Indefinite Integral (不定積分)
- Definite Integral and its applications (定積分及其應用)
- Matrices and Determinants (矩陣及行列式)
- System of linear equations (線性方程組)
- 以小組形式進行上課,至少5人開班,滿額為 20
- 學費優惠:
(1) 如同時和朋友一齊報名,每位首期學費可減 $100
(2) 如同時報讀 M2 及 Core 課程,每期學費可減 $200
- 上課地區: 九龍區,屯門區,港島區
* 若有同學想以私人補習形式進行個別指導 ,亦可聯絡我以作商議。
同學如對課程有興趣,歡迎查詢詳細資料及報名。 (請先 Whatsapp , 謝謝)
Whatsapp: 69793112 (Kenneth)