2016 成績報捷,超過七成學生於2016 DSE B10取得lev 5或以上。
私人教授只收中四至中六選修combined and pure biology學生,集中照顧B10 DSE學生。學生來自各區名校。
歡迎家長比較及查詢 94852517 or [email protected] Zoe聯絡。本人設有首堂試堂優惠及自編筆記以供參考,請於電郵留下聯絡電話及姓名,本人將盡
I am a university graduate from Chinese University of Hong Kong-Being a biology tutor for eight years, r deeply understand the weakness of most HKDSE students in answering scenarios questions and interpretation of data. Through one to one and step by step teaching, I believe
that students can strengthen their analytical skills and apply what they have learnt during the lesson to tackle scenarios question. The whole course is tailor-made for my students according to their ability and learning progress.
Important,&must study&concept, detailed explanation and annotated colourful diagrams are included in the teaching materials. Notes will be
updated from time to time so that the content can follow the trends of question type and requirenments of the new curriculum. If yau want to have a good grade in HKDSE BIOLOGY, please feel free to contact me.