CANDIDATE STATEMENT OF PROVISIONAL RESULTS GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION JUNE 2013 EXAMINATION CENTNEN CENTKE NAME 2013, 2014年自修GCE Math Physics A* (2014 DSE CAND N CANDIDATE NAME 父 0279 MALE C1-C4, M1, M2, Physics straight A TYPE SLESECT NUMBER, TITLE AND REAT GRADE 588/600 A(a*) ADV 9371 MATHEMATICS PASS JAN 2013 6663 CORE MATHS. 1 100/100 JAN 2013 6664 CORE MATHS.2 95/100 JAN 2013 6665 CORE MATHS.3 100/100 JUN 2013 6666 CORE MATHS.4 98/100 JAN 2013 6677 MECHANICS 95/100 JUN 2013 6678 MECHANICS 2 100/10m 556/600 A*(a) 118/120 120/120 45/060 120/120 103/120 50/060 ADV YPH01 PHYSICS PASS JUN 2014 WPH04 PHYSICS 4 JUN 2014 WPHO5 PHYSICS 5 JUN 2014 WPH06 PHYSICS 6 JUN 2013 6PH01 PHYSICS 1 JUN 2013 6PH02 PHYSICS 2 JUN 2013 6PHO7 PHYSICS 3  text,product,font,diagram,line
    International Advanced Level: YMA01 MATHEMATICS January 2018 UMS: 569/600 OOOo G Units 2018年IAL Math's A* (2018自修生)"Edexcel Sort Rafine AL UNIT. WMAD1 CORE MATHEMATICS 12 UMS: 198/200 January 2018 AL UNIT WMA02 CORE MATHEMATICS 34 UMS: 187/200 January 2018 AL UNIT WME01 MECHANICS UMS: 95/100 January 2018 AL UNIT. WMEO2 MECHANICS UMS: 8ณ100 January 2018  software,multimedia,product,
    Name: Candidate no: In unreformed subjects, a number and a lower case letter represent a unit mark and grade. An upper case letter represents the certificated A2 grade. In reformed (linear) subjects only a single subject grade is shown. The upper case letter P after the subject grade in science subjects represents a pass in the practical skills compon ent. Board Year Opt Option AQA 2017 7402 BIOLOGY ADV EDEXCEL 2017 9371 MATHEMATICS EDEXCEL 2017 9CHO CHEMISTRY Qua Result GCE GCE 0597A A P WJEC 2017 A420QS Physics A Level EDEXCEL 2017 6665 CORE MATHEMATICS 3 EDEXCEL 2017 6666 CORE MATHEMATICS 4 EDEXCEL 20176684 STATISTICS 2 2017年GCE Maths, Physics A* (2017英國學生)Edexcel, WJEC GCE AP GCE 099a GCE 100a GCE 098a  text,product,font,line,material
    Candidate Examination Results Surname: Forename Date of Birth: Gender: Candidate Number: UCI Number: Exam Cycle: Centre Number: Code Title Result Mark Grade Biology GCE 2018 2018年GCE Physics A* (2018目修生) WJEC 7402 BIOLOGY ADV PHYSICS A420QS Physics A Level A*  text,font,line,product,area
    Subjects taught (DSE level) F3- F6 Physics (DSE) 1. Heat and Gases 2. Force and Motion 3. Wave Motion 4. Electricity and Magnetism 5. Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy Electives: 1. Astrophysics 2. Atomics World 3. Energy and use of energy 4. Medical Physics F1- F6 Maths (DSE) 中三至中六物理(DSE) 1,熱和氣體 2,力和運動 3·波動 4·電和磁 5·放射現象和核能 選修 1·天文學 2·原子世界 3,能量和能源的使用 4·醫學物理學 中一至中六數學(DSE) F4 - F6 M1 Maths (DSE) F4 - F6 M2 Maths (DSE) F1- F3 Integrated Science 以上所有課程能提供筆記及分類試題By topic pastpaper (由1980年至今) 中四至中六單元一(DSE) 中四至中六單元二(DSE) 中一至中三科學  text,font,line,area,product
    Subjects taught (IB level) IB Mathematics Pre-lB Studies Standard level SL Higher level HL Topic 1: Algebra Topic 2: Functions and equations Topic 3: Circular functions and Trigonometry Topic 4: Vectors Topic 5: Statistics and probability Topic 6: Calculus All Options Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties Topic 2: Mechanics Topic 3: Thermal Physics Topic 4: Waves Topic 5: Electricity and magnetism Topic 6: Circular motion/Gravitation Topic 7: Atomic, nuclear and particle physics Topic 8: Energy production IB Physics Standard level SL Higher level HL AHL, Topic 9, 10, 11, 12 All options (From A to D) 以上所有課程能提供筆記試題, Internal Assessment (IA), Extended essay (EE)參 考  text,font,line,area,document
    Subjects taught (GCSE/IGCSE/GCE/IAL) IAL Mathematics/Further mathematics Exam Boards: Edexcel (Hong Kong) (適合香港自修生,1年內升讀大學) 考試時間:一月/六月 課程提供筆記,分類pastpaper 練習 Core 12 Core 34 Mechanics 1, 2, 3 - Statistics 1, 2, 3 Decision 1 - Further Pure Maths 1, 2,3 AL Physics AS Physics (unit 1-3) A2 Physics (unit 4 -6) GCE Mathematics/Further mathematics (New syllabus) Exam Boards: 1. Edexcel 2. AQA 3. OCR 4. CIE 5. WJEC/ Eduqas AS Mathematics A level Mathematics AS Further Mathematics A level Further Mathematics GCE Physics (New syllabus) (適合英國留學學生,課程可於短時間完成) 1. Summer Holiday 2. Easter Holiday 3. Christmas 4. Study break AS Physics A Level Physics 學生在國外可以使用WhatsApp, Skype提問, 我亦設有WhatsApp課程,解答學生考試問 題)  text,font,line,area,document
    DSE students from... La Salle College Diocesan Boys' School Diocesan Girls' School St. Paul's Convent School St. Paul's College, Hong Kong Wah Yan College, Kowloon HKUGA College Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary 喇沙書院 拔萃男書院 拔萃女書院 聖保祿學校 聖保羅書院 華仁書院(九龍) 港大同學會書院 呂明才中學 School Pui Kiu College Raimondi College 培僑書院 高主教書院  text,font,line,screenshot,number
    IB students from.. St. Paul co-educational college Diocesan Boys School Sha Tin College German-Swiss Int School ISF Academy Yew Chung International School 聖保羅男女中學 拔萃男書院 沙田學院 德瑞國際學校 弘立書院 耀中國際學校  text,font,line,area,product
    GCE students UK from.... Cardiff Sixth Form College (WJEC, Edexcel) Oxford international college (Edexcel, AQA..) Dulwich College (WJEC) Wells Cathedral School Christ's hospital school (Edexcel) New Hall School, Essex (Edexcel, AQA..) Headington School, Oxford Denstone College Ackworth School  text,font,line,area,document
    University students from London School Economics, UK Massey University, Newzeland Monash University, Australia Subjects taught Foundation Mathematics (3 credits) Material Science (3 credits) Foundation Mathematics  text,font,line,product,area

博士級 補數學,補物理 大學書作者 一級榮譽畢業 牛津大學交換生,精補DSE, IB, GCE, IAL, 數學補習, Maths, 物理補習, Physics, 國際學校補習

更新於: 2024-04-08 7,459 刊登者: cnyelements
其他, 私人補習, 補習社
初中, 高中
數學, 科學, 物理
星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六, 星期日, 公眾假期, 其他
1.5 小時

數學,物理補習導師 (IAL, DSE, GCE, IB, IGCSE)

博士級學歷 大學用書作者

  • 我畢業於香港理工大學工程物理學系,並獲得一級榮譽(1st Hons)的資格物理碩士大學博士及大學導師
  • 在學期間,大部份科目取得A+成績,碩士, 博士 GPA 4.00 , 並獲多份獎學金,更被提名為理大傑出學生就讀大學多次獲得 Dean honour list (Top 5% students)


  • 我亦於英國牛津大學(University of Oxford),澳洲新南威爾斯大學(University of New South Wales),
  • 德國耶拿大學(University of Applied Science)進行學術交流
  • 曾參與美國太空總署火星的研究,本地多份報章(星島日報, 大公報, South China Morning Post) 亦曾刊登有關的研究內容。




  • 修讀碩士及博士期間, 曾獲 Sonca gold medal award IEEE award ,香港科學會頒與年青科學家獎
  • 獲獎消息曾於中國,日本,韓國及泰國等世界各地各大學報導
  • 多次獲國際高級學術研討會邀請於世界各地演講
  • 曾到葡萄牙(ISAF ECAPD PFM 2012), 新加玻(International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2009)韓國(7th AMF AMEC 2010 meeting on ferroelectricity) 參加國際一級學術會議及演講,
  • 在多份國際一級學術雜誌發表多份學術文章,包括《Advanced Materials》,《ACS Nano》,《Nature-Scientific reports》等,發表文章達30多篇,並出版了一本大學用書籍。(


我曾於正規中學教授會考數學班,累積9年多補習經驗,notes及pastpaper豐富齊備,中一至中六補習, 精補數學 maths (Core, M1, M2) ,​ 精補物理 physics (all core and elective subjects), IB 國際學校補習, GCE/IAL (Edexcel, CIE, AQA, OCR, WJEC), (C1-C4, M1-M3, S1-S3, D1-D2, FP1-FP3) , GCSE, IGCSE, SAT , IB diploma programme, Maths / Further Maths 補習課程

Subjects taught (DSE level) F3- F6 Physics (DSE) 1. Heat and Gases 2. Force and Motion 3. Wave Motion 4. Electricity and Magnetism 5. Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy Electives: 1. Astrophysics 2. Atomics World 3. Energy and use of energy 4. Medical Physics F1- F6 Maths (DSE) 中三至中六物理(DSE) 1,熱和氣體 2,力和運動 3·波動 4·電和磁 5·放射現象和核能 選修 1·天文學 2·原子世界 3,能量和能源的使用 4·醫學物理學 中一至中六數學(DSE) F4 - F6 M1 Maths (DSE) F4 - F6 M2 Maths (DSE) F1- F3 Integrated Science 以上所有課程能提供筆記及分類試題By topic pastpaper (由1980年至今) 中四至中六單元一(DSE) 中四至中六單元二(DSE) 中一至中三科學,text,font,line,area,productSubjects taught (IB level) IB Mathematics Pre-lB Studies Standard level SL Higher level HL Topic 1: Algebra Topic 2: Functions and equations Topic 3: Circular functions and Trigonometry Topic 4: Vectors Topic 5: Statistics and probability Topic 6: Calculus All Options Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties Topic 2: Mechanics Topic 3: Thermal Physics Topic 4: Waves Topic 5: Electricity and magnetism Topic 6: Circular motion/Gravitation Topic 7: Atomic, nuclear and particle physics Topic 8: Energy production IB Physics Standard level SL Higher level HL AHL, Topic 9, 10, 11, 12 All options (From A to D) 以上所有課程能提供筆記試題, Internal Assessment (IA), Extended essay (EE)參 考,text,font,line,area,document

Subjects taught (GCSE/IGCSE/GCE/IAL) IAL Mathematics/Further mathematics Exam Boards: Edexcel (Hong Kong) (適合香港自修生,1年內升讀大學) 考試時間:一月/六月 課程提供筆記,分類pastpaper 練習 Core 12 Core 34 Mechanics 1, 2, 3 - Statistics 1, 2, 3 Decision 1 - Further Pure Maths 1, 2,3 AL Physics AS Physics (unit 1-3) A2 Physics (unit 4 -6) GCE Mathematics/Further mathematics (New syllabus) Exam Boards: 1. Edexcel 2. AQA 3. OCR 4. CIE 5. WJEC/ Eduqas AS Mathematics A level Mathematics AS Further Mathematics A level Further Mathematics GCE Physics (New syllabus) (適合英國留學學生,課程可於短時間完成) 1. Summer Holiday 2. Easter Holiday 3. Christmas 4. Study break AS Physics A Level Physics 學生在國外可以使用WhatsApp, Skype提問, 我亦設有WhatsApp課程,解答學生考試問 題),text,font,line,area,document


CANDIDATE STATEMENT OF PROVISIONAL RESULTS GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION JUNE 2013 EXAMINATION CENTNEN CENTKE NAME 2013, 2014年自修GCE Math Physics A* (2014 DSE CAND N CANDIDATE NAME 父 0279 MALE C1-C4, M1, M2, Physics straight A TYPE SLESECT NUMBER, TITLE AND REAT GRADE 588/600 A(a*) ADV 9371 MATHEMATICS PASS JAN 2013 6663 CORE MATHS. 1 100/100 JAN 2013 6664 CORE MATHS.2 95/100 JAN 2013 6665 CORE MATHS.3 100/100 JUN 2013 6666 CORE MATHS.4 98/100 JAN 2013 6677 MECHANICS 95/100 JUN 2013 6678 MECHANICS 2 100/10m 556/600 A*(a) 118/120 120/120 45/060 120/120 103/120 50/060 ADV YPH01 PHYSICS PASS JUN 2014 WPH04 PHYSICS 4 JUN 2014 WPHO5 PHYSICS 5 JUN 2014 WPH06 PHYSICS 6 JUN 2013 6PH01 PHYSICS 1 JUN 2013 6PH02 PHYSICS 2 JUN 2013 6PHO7 PHYSICS 3,text,product,font,diagram,line International Advanced Level: YMA01 MATHEMATICS January 2018 UMS: 569/600 OOOo G Units 2018年IAL Math's A* (2018自修生)"Edexcel Sort Rafine AL UNIT. WMAD1 CORE MATHEMATICS 12 UMS: 198/200 January 2018 AL UNIT WMA02 CORE MATHEMATICS 34 UMS: 187/200 January 2018 AL UNIT WME01 MECHANICS UMS: 95/100 January 2018 AL UNIT. WMEO2 MECHANICS UMS: 8ณ100 January 2018,software,multimedia,product,
Name: Candidate no: In unreformed subjects, a number and a lower case letter represent a unit mark and grade. An upper case letter represents the certificated A2 grade. In reformed (linear) subjects only a single subject grade is shown. The upper case letter P after the subject grade in science subjects represents a pass in the practical skills compon ent. Board Year Opt Option AQA 2017 7402 BIOLOGY ADV EDEXCEL 2017 9371 MATHEMATICS EDEXCEL 2017 9CHO CHEMISTRY Qua Result GCE GCE 0597A A P WJEC 2017 A420QS Physics A Level EDEXCEL 2017 6665 CORE MATHEMATICS 3 EDEXCEL 2017 6666 CORE MATHEMATICS 4 EDEXCEL 20176684 STATISTICS 2 2017年GCE Maths, Physics A* (2017英國學生)Edexcel, WJEC GCE AP GCE 099a GCE 100a GCE 098a,text,product,font,line,material Candidate Examination Results Surname: Forename Date of Birth: Gender: Candidate Number: UCI Number: Exam Cycle: Centre Number: Code Title Result Mark Grade Biology GCE 2018 2018年GCE Physics A* (2018目修生) WJEC 7402 BIOLOGY ADV PHYSICS A420QS Physics A Level A*,text,font,line,product,area



  • 由2013年起, 每年教授自修生, 報考香港 IAL 考試, 用半年至1年時間進入大學.


  • 學生來自不同組別學校(Band 1 - Band 3), 我教授的學生都進入了香港,英國(e.g.Oxbridge)或美國等大學

我亦是學生們的升學顧問,提供UCAS/Jupas 意見,我已教授不同學生進入不同大學, 包括本地及海外

(e.g. Oxford Physics, Cambridge Law, Cambridge Psychology, HKU Law, HKU MBBS, HKU Architecture, HKU Psychology, HKU Civil Engineering, CUHK Architecture,PolyU Civil Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis Chemistry, Moash Univerisity Melbourne, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)...etc)  

曾教授學生來自(St. Paul Co-educational college, St. Marys Canossian College, La Salle College, Diocesan Boys School, Diocesan Girls School, Sha Tin College,German-Swiss Int School, HKUGA College, Marymount Secondary School, Wah Yan college.....及不同組別中文中學.

DSE students from... La Salle College Diocesan Boys' School Diocesan Girls' School St. Paul's Convent School St. Paul's College, Hong Kong Wah Yan College, Kowloon HKUGA College Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary 喇沙書院 拔萃男書院 拔萃女書院 聖保祿學校 聖保羅書院 華仁書院(九龍) 港大同學會書院 呂明才中學 School Pui Kiu College Raimondi College 培僑書院 高主教書院,text,font,line,screenshot,number

IB students from.. St. Paul co-educational college Diocesan Boys School Sha Tin College German-Swiss Int School ISF Academy Yew Chung International School 聖保羅男女中學 拔萃男書院 沙田學院 德瑞國際學校 弘立書院 耀中國際學校,text,font,line,area,product



GCE students UK from.... Cardiff Sixth Form College (WJEC, Edexcel) Oxford international college (Edexcel, AQA..) Dulwich College (WJEC) Wells Cathedral School Christ's hospital school (Edexcel) New Hall School, Essex (Edexcel, AQA..) Headington School, Oxford Denstone College Ackworth School,text,font,line,area,document


University students from London School Economics, UK Massey University, Newzeland Monash University, Australia Subjects taught Foundation Mathematics (3 credits) Material Science (3 credits) Foundation Mathematics,text,font,line,product,area



10年經驗, 就是不同,歡迎任何查詢.



每小時480元 (1對1)
每小時400元 (1對 2)
電話: 6188 4095  陳sir (可先whatapps, 經常上課可能聽不到電話, 但會盡快回覆, 不好意思)
(學生亦可自行自組) 外國回港學生可於長假期(復活節, 暑假, 聖誕等)上課
