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Experienced Mandanrin Teacher10年經驗普通話老師 Guaranteed to improve performance and chinese writing

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2017-01-20 刊登者: Anna LI(李老师)

            10年普通話教學經驗,曾任職小學,幼稚園,語言中心,私人家教。熱愛與小朋友相處,豐富經驗提升學習興趣,有效提高普教中學習效率,對小學生拼音,閱讀理解,寫作有很好經驗,有信心提高學習成績!!show you a way to learn chinese easily! I am originally from Northern China and Mandarin is my mother language. Received Certificate of National Chinese Language Committee in 2005. I went to study in America in 2006, then moved to HK in 2011, have experience working as a putonghua teacher in Zebeede int’l Kindergarten and Japanese Int’l School. Now I work as a full time Mandarin teacher in GAPSK learning center. I am good at teaching 4-6 years old Mandarin Introductory class, 6-9 years old Mandarin Promotion class, 9-14 Composition improvement class, I can guide students to participate in all the promotion and development of the GAPSK certificate examination.

Im Fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. Associate Degree of General Business, 
   work and study experience :
    Oc-tech, SC, USA, May, 2011
    Certificate of National Chinese Language Committee
    Certificate in Marketing, Beijing United University, China, August,2002
   2012_present, work as full time Mandarin teacher at GAPSK leaning  center. also as a private Tutor
   2011-2012,work as mandarin teacher at “Zebedee International Kindergarten” Also port-time work as a mandarin teacher at “Japanese International School.”
    2007-2010, work as a teacher at “Sugar N Spice” daycare center in south Carolina USA
    experienced word with international student!



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