港大數學系榮譽畢業 數學專科補習
HKU Graduated Full-time Coach for Mathematics
- 中學畢業於英文中學高主教書院
- 會考獲5A2B,Physics, Chemistry, G Math, A Math皆A
- 香港大學榮譽畢業,雙主修數學、物理
- 在中學協助老師教授暑期班,協助中四同學溫習會考內容
- 2013年至今為全職私人補習導師,為DSE/IB/iGCSE/大專同學精補數學
- 2016年我的一名iGCSE(Edexcel)學生Math考獲A級,Physics考獲B級
- Sacred Heart Canossian College 嘉諾撒聖心書院
- Raimondi College高主教書院
- Victoria Shanghai Academy 滬江維多利亞學校
- Island School港島中學
- West Island School西島中學
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- City University of Hong Kong (City U)
- iGCSE Math
- IB Diploma Math SL, HL (Standard Level, Higher Level)
- HKDSE Core Math, M1, M2(微積分,代數,統計)
- IB MYP Math (Middle Year Programme)
- University Mathematics MATH1013
- University Calculus/Linear Algebra/Differential Equation in Faculties of Science/Engineering/Business
- 海外升學前大學數學預習(微積分,代數,幾何,概率,統計,邏輯,集合)
- 從清理基礎概念入手,建立基本功,從淺入深讓學生逐步提升
- 回顧過去測驗卷不懂或做錯的題目,解答學生問題
- 讓學生建立自己的學習目標,激發正能量,實現自我超越
- 因應學校進度幫忙預習
課堂形式:一對一私人補習 (上門或私人會所)
2-4人小組補習: 同學校/同年級設同行優惠
電話/ Whatsapp: 61746651 (Mr. Li)
Email:[email protected]
I am a full-time professional Math tutor.
My Academic Background:
Bachelor of Science in HKU double majoring in Mathematics and Physics
HKCEE all As in Math, Additional Math, Physics and Chemistry
My Teaching Experience:
2014-2016 Full-time Math tutor for IB MYP, IB Diploma and iGCSE on 1:1 basis
My Students come from:
- Sacred Heart Canossian College嘉諾撒聖心書院
- Raimondi College高主教書院
- Victoria Shanghai Academy 滬江維多利亞學校
- Island School港島中學
- West Island School西島中學
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- City University of Hong Kong (City U)
I can teach the following subjects and syllabi:
- iGCSE Math
- IB Diploma Math SL, HL (Standard Level, Higher Level)
- HKDSE Core Math, M1, M2(Calculus, Algebra, Statistics)
- IB MYP Math (Middle Year Programme)
- University Mathematics MATH1013
- University Calculus/Linear Algebra/Differential Equation in Faculties of Science/Engineering/Business
- Pre-University Math Foundation Preparation(Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Probability, Statistics, Logic, Set Theory)
You would be rest assured that I am your FIRST choice, as my teaching features include:
- Emphasis on math concepts & foundation
- Concise Study notes provided consisting of summary points and work examples
- Wide variety of practice problems resources, ranging from past papers for each syllabus, textbook resources, college course exercises
- Systematic drilling, repetitive but efficient topic-by-topic learning and revision
- Inspire your amusement in doing math besides exam drilling
- Set up individual Goals to run after
Besides 1-on-1, you may choose to form a tutoring group of 2 or 3 for special discount!
Please ACT fast to contact me via
Tel:61746651 (Phone call/Whatsapp/SMS)
Email:[email protected]
for the limited quota of tutoring lessons AND for your dream school & subject!