1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 補習


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-06-16 刊登者: PMEG Academy

PMEG Academy 中心四大導師均畢業於世界排名十大大學學院*, 主修其任教科目並持相關工作經驗。並具多年教授IB, GCE, AP課程經驗及為相關科目之本地/英國準大學生提供預備課程。學生來自各大名校及頂級學府 包括: Diocesan Boys School, ISLAND SCHOOL, St. Paul’s Co-ed, Harrow School, Concord College.  導師提供本地上門或中心補習, 及海外遙距輔補教學.

- 教學成效顯著, 高達90% IB學生考獲7 佳績/ GCE學生考獲A/A*優異成績+

-  配合學生進度有系統的教學, 令成績在最短時間內有所進步

-  針對LOs配以Pastpaper 練習, 教學著重Essay Skills 及Evaluation Skills Training

-  彈性教學模式, 適合非駐香港學生


Experienced instructors that graduated from the top 10 Universities in the world*.  All majored in the respective discipline that they teach and possess relevant work experiences to further their knowledge on the subject. Our instructors have years of extensive teaching experience with the IBGCE and AP syllabus. Furthermore, we specialize in coaching local and overseas college students on advanced University courses.

Current students: Diocesan Boy’s School, Island School, St. Paul’s Co-ed, Harrow School and Concord College, etc.

*Based on QS World University Ranking 2015/16.
+Figure as of May, 2016


We deliver actual results: Over 90% of our IB students achieve an exam score of 6 to 7 and92% of our GCE students achieve A to A* designation. More than 80% of our students managed to get into the University of their 1st choice


Flexible Learning Platform: Tutors at PMEG academy offer professional Centre based, In-Home, Offsite and Online Tutoring. Individual and small class tutorial lessons can be arranged as per students request. Students based in the US/ UK are welcomed to schedule online lessons.


Top College & Exam Preparation Class: With years of teaching experience, we have access to a wide selection of past exam papers,sample essays and scoring references that help students in their learning and revision. Apart from IB/ GCE/ AP tutorial lesson, we offer additional services, such as: Essay plan review; Personal Statement review; Thesis review; University Preparatory Class

We tailor-make our approach specifically for each of our students, taking into account their progress in school and their method of learning. We aim to deliver maximum results in the shortest amount of time.

We offer in-home / centre-based tutorial lesson in Hong Kong Island OR on-line lessons for overseas students.

Class size ranges from 1-on-1 to a class of 4.


Tutors from PMEG are all graduated from top notch universities with more than 4 years of experience in teaching IB/ GCE A-Level syllabus

Our Instructors Porfolio (extraction) -
Biology: MSc in Biochemistry (Oxford University)
Physics/ Chemistry: Master in Chemical Engineering (Imperial College of London)

Psychology: BSc in Psychology (University College London)

                    BSc in Psychology + Master in Criminology (HKU + London School of Economics)
English/ English Literature: Master in English Literature (Columbia University)


******PMEG Academy provides student with the most suitable help from the best teacher. PMEG Students can also enjoy free access to a lot of useful learning resources from the centre for FREE!!! (including Past-paper, sample essays, exam tips, revision notes etc).****

Located in Yau Ma Tei, in-home service and Skype tutorial are available. Please contact for the further information.

Website: www.pmeg-academy.com
24/7 Contact number: 5238 2121

Special discount during summer holiday, call for details!

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