British Native English Tutor 英籍導師 十年以上經験英語老師 『新一期招生開始』
New phone no.: 55666843 (from 2019May) Ms Hannah
Hi, I am Ms. Hannah and I am a Native English Teacher born and raised in England. I have many years experience teaching English to kindergarten children.
More importantly, I have a great passion for teaching which you will find out when you attend my lessons.
When learning phonics I recommend the Jolly Phonics method. With Jolly Phonics children will learn the 42 main sounds. Besides single sounds, children will learn letter formation and blending to help them read and spell new words and to tackle tricky words, thus expanding their new vocabulary.
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Moreover, The Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics reading books series are funny with interesting storylines which will interest your children and encourage them to read. Students will complete activity sheets including phonics and comprehension exercises to ensure their understanding of the storybook.
Moreover, I encourage children to develop better speaking and communication skills by using The Cambridge Kid’s Box textbooks as it offers them a chance to practice their oral skills with me. Furthermore, topics for conversation can come from other sources such as storybooks, poems or other reading materials and will introduce the language, grammar and vocabulary associated with that subject.
I know how competitive it has become to enter an established primary school. Not everyone is fortunate enough to enter a prestigious government aided school.
However, I have experience in teaching both Trinity Examinations (Grades 1-3) and the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (Starters, Movers and Flyers).
I’ll be covering all the subjects of conversation by following the Trinity syllabus as this is an oral test. Whereas, Cambridge Young Learners English Tests involves listening, reading, writing and speaking section which combines an overall skill set in English.
Both exams build up a child’s greater understanding of the English language by introducing new vocabulary, grammar and exam technique which is unfortunately the norm in the majority of school in Hong Kong.
Moreover, with my patience, experience and motivating English activities your child will be able to succeed in improving their English knowhow!
Available to teach in Olympic, Tsing Yi, Kowloon Tong, Tai-wai
Ms. Hannah英籍華人是一位英語為母語的教師、出生和成長在英國。她在幼稚園,小學和中學有著多年英語教學經驗。
Jolly Phonics 是一套很出名的拼音法、是世界各地流行的英語拼音法、此拼音法専為幼稚園至初小的兒童而設計、教法非常易學及常用、採用常用拼音的好處在於、初學拼音的學 童能在學習後馬上使用於常用字裏、使學童建立自信心學習。此教材内容生動有趣、使學童透過輕鬆學習吸収、明白生字的拼音、理解聲韻及拼音的不同組合、透過 聆聽自行組字發音。進而續漸増加其他教材、豊富學童的拼音字源、學童便能慢慢解開拼音密碼。
The Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics 的故事情節有趣,増加小朋友的興趣,鼓勵他們閱讀。小朋友會學習及完成活動練習,包括拼音,語法和理解練習,以確保他們理解故事書。
The Cambridge Kid’sBox 此課本鼓勵孩子建立更好的發言和溝通技巧,Ms. Hannah會與學生練習會話技巧。以專題作交談練習、除此書以外、還會使用故事書、詩歌或其他閱讀材料教學,並講解與專題相關的語言運用,語法,詞彙等技巧。
引述 Ms. Hannah 的話:
我知道現在進入小學的競争已經愈趨激烈。不是每個人都有幸進入一所著名的政府學校。我有經驗考授以下兩個試験 TrinityExaminations(Grades 1-3))和 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests(Starters, Movers and Flyers)。
提供英語會話、文法、拼音等英語學習 (個人或小組)
上課地點 : 奥運, 青衣, 九龍塘, 大圍
Tel: New phone no.: 55666843 (from 2019May) Ms Hannah
[email protected]
Facebook: Flyingstart Hk