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論文輔導 / 指導 / 統計分析 (SPSS,Eviews,R,SAS)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2021-07-03 刊登者: Sam



1 我們專設了商科、社會科學、IT 等學科論文/作業輔導,主要集中有經驗的導師輔導同學在finance金融、accounting會計、marketing市場營銷、management管理、HR人力資源管理及、International Business, Statistics, Politics, International Relations、IT 等各科assignment、report,且經驗豐富(輔導過超過3000個不同科次的作業);

2  我們根據您的情況報價,價格確定後,請按我們提供的表格填寫,其中除了上述的時間、字數、專業、級別等問題外,您需要註明格式,如按report排版或者essay排版寫作,reference的要求多少個,reference style要求,如有特殊要求請註明。連同您的學習資料ppt、課件、一起打包發給我們,且註明每個文件的所用,盡量用word、PDF等常見格式,最重要的是如果老師有口頭要求,一定說清楚!


3、客戶對前一半作業沒有異議,請付清全部餘款,我們會及時發送全部論文到客戶指定郵箱,客戶拿到全文後,如未按要求寫好、不滿意可以繼續修改,直到滿意為止,交給導師tutor輔導的可 根據導師意見修改(如first draft、final draft),但前提是保證需求確認的情況下。

4、我們對待每位客戶的個人資料保密性非常謹慎。請放心, 我們只會需要客戶提供與作業有關的資料。我們不會要求客戶提供個人資料。


TG: @hkacademic

IG: @hkacademic


Disclaimer: All the custom written papers, solutions for homework and assignments and research material including but not limited to essays, research papers, dissertations, theses, articles, reports and term papers are written for individual research and reference ONLY. We do not promote plagiarism in any form and firmly believes that clients will use custom written papers and research material as models in their individual writing efforts. By using any service of us the client agrees not to directly submit and/or resell/ distribute any term paper, thesis, dissertation, or any other research written material (including but not limited custom written papers, solutions for homework and assignments and research material, essays, research papers, dissertations, theses, articles, reports and term papers) for academic credit at any public or private college, university, or other institution of higher education worldwide. we do not take any responsibility for violation of this code by the client.

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