1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 遙距教學

*Bachelor of Science with Honours in Electronics (with Management)*


Programme description

This programme provides comprehensive knowledge of a wide range of electronic principles, practical skills in electronics and the capacity to analyse and synthesize circuits and devices. It aims to produce qualified electronic engineers who are also equipped with fundamental management skills; the programme therefore combines training in electronics with courses in business management. The Honours programme gives students the opportunity to specialize in certain areas of electronics, and includes training in independent project work.

Graduates can embark in a career as an electronic design engineer, analyst or consultant, with the potential for advancement to management positions.

For more information, please go to http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/WCM/?FUELAP_TEMPLATENAME=tcGenericPage2010&lang=eng&status=1&ITEMID=CC_PROG_INFO_861318

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