1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 專業課程

[天水圍,元朗,屯門] 小提琴課程 ,女導師 Yammie Kong ,師承香港演藝學院教授范丁 ,演奏文憑ATCL ,10年教學經驗

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-12-14 刊登者: Yammie Kong
    Behny Yammie udent Conco   stage,performance,concert,musical ensemble,orchestra

Benny & Yammie Student Concert DİTE: Mit İME: 3:15PM,stage,performance,orchestra,musician,entertainment

小提琴導師Yammie Kong (Mobile: 63407170) ,

已考獲演奏文憑ATCL , 師承演藝學院教授范丁 ,

有10年教學經驗 , 曾於各大小型琴行及




教室地址:天水圍新北江商場嘉湖新城2樓159號鋪String Duet(上門另議)




幼年學生(K2至小學) 。

Eenny & Yammie Student Concert IL,performance,stage,performing arts,entertainment,performance art



1. 嚴格地為學生保持良好姿勢




常用协奏曲 教学辅导 提琴 凱撒」教本的研究 增訂版 ,иса 蒋雄达 著 ECHNIO VIOLIN PLAYING 小提琴演奏 統合技術 陳鼓谷 莙 SMPH How Muscles Learn Leopold Auer /1提琴演奏之 系統理論 Teaching the Violirn with the Body in Mind PRINCIPLES OF VIOLIN PLAYING&TEACHING VIOLIN PLAYING As I Teach It 全晋樂譜出版社 Susan Kempte,text,product,book,product,

生的右手上。按著由老師幫忙,將毛 的中央點(可在弓中央貼記號)放在提 琴A弦上。 F.37 F.38 8,修正拿弓的姿勢 F.36 A.學生站立著,做出正確的夾琴姿動。 B.弓毛的中心點在A弦上,此時手腕的動作應平直, 手肘的關節如F.39所示。 c.大姆指指尖的一半抵住弓桿的捲皮處,另 一半則抵住止毛框F.40 ,指尖切勿突出 到止毛框的另一邊F.41 。 F.35 D.大姆指指尖的正對面是中指的遠端指間關 節,這是拿弓的使力點,此時無名指靠近中指輔助著,食指則如F41狀分 開,然後以微彎的拿弓姿勢F.42 ,將遠端指間關節輕放在弓桿上,小指亦 呈微彎狀,以指尖輕抵在八角形弓根的內側方向上F.43 。 (弓身朝自己身 體的方向)初學者,以指尖輕抵在弓背上。 F.40 F.44 F.41 F.45 F.42 F.43 E.中指與無名指的遠端指間關節在接觸弓桿時,要多且深,如此將更易於控制弓在弦上 的力量。在此做一個實驗,老師只用右手各指的指尖處淺淺的捏住學生前臂F.44。當 學生的手往後拉時,老師將無法控制學生的手。但如果老師將右手虎口稍為張大些 並且以各指的遠端指間關節部位,較深入的握著學生手臂上較多的肌肉時F.45 ,此時 學生的手想脫離老師的控制將會比較困難。此時老師的握力反而可輕易的將學生整個 人拉過去。  17,text,paper,document,font,material手指能夠最放鬆,最容易又最 指最佳的位置,同時也 正確的按著音階時的大姆指的姿勢與位置, 是最佳握琴的手形。每個人手指的長短有所不同, 大拇指可能高出於指板F.72 ,而手指較短的人,則必須將大姆指靠近 部的位置上F.73 ,才可輕鬆,容易的拉奏出正確的音來。但手指較長的人也 到,勿將大姆指遠端指節與食指的掌節處碰觸到弦,否則在拉奏時將產生不 琴頸底 的人, 將產生不良的 聲 F.13 F.12 E.手腕應保持與前臂成一直線的自然放鬆狀F.74 。不可有上翹F.75或後縮F.76的 肉緊張現象。 @j ㄧ闪飞 F.74 F.75 F.76 在虎口處要留有空隙,且要自然放鬆的張開。以大姆指的遠端指節(姆指長者,會較接 近關節部位),與食指的掌節(第二掌骨)或近掌骨、指骨間關節處的部位來握琴。在 各指近端指節所連接各掌節上的肌肉都不可僵化與緊張F.77 ,掌心則要 可接觸到琴頸底部F78。以後在學習換把位等等時,才不會感到困難。 保持中空,不 肌肉 F.17,text,handwriting,document,paper,fontB.但將手指輕壓著腮托部,琴便可輕易的如F.16懸空 而掛著。 c.可以輕易的放置著琴而不會掉下來,是因為有a、b 兩點在支撐的緣故,因為a等於是F.16中輕壓的手 指, b則是支撐著琴的桌沿。 F.16 D.若將F.17的a看成是腮部, b看成是肩部的鎖骨, c則是頸部,那麼人的腮部與肩部也可構成和F.17 一樣的原理F.18 。但是人們的肩膀大都是下斜,且 脖子又比琴的側板長,所以在夾琴時,整個琴頭與 琴身會往下傾斜F.19 。 E.有的人為了要將琴夾成水平,所以會將肩抬高。琴雖 然成了水平,但左肩卻因用力抬高而造成肌肉緊 張,使得運指與換把位等練習不能在放鬆的狀況下 進行,會導致將來無法學習較困難與快速的曲子。 久而久之也將造成左半身肌肉僵硬的一種運動傷 害,往後再也不能好好的拉奏提琴了。但如果人們 利用肩墊來填平肩部下斜的空位,則夾琴的方法便 與F,16,17,18的情況一樣,腮和肩一點也不使力,便 可輕易的將琴夾的很好F.20 ,甚至可將整隻左手放 下,在上、下、前、後、左、右任意擺動時,琴都 不會掉下來F21 。所以正確的夾琴方法,應該是不 抬高肩膀、腮不用力將琴下壓的一種放鬆動作。 F.18 F.19 1ITA F.20 F.老師找書架上的一個空隙,或任何一個洞孔,它的作 用可以像F.17一樣,然後將弓的弓根部一小段往内 塞,此時弓子便可輕易的懸掛在洞孔上。由此可發 現洞孔的上、下方並沒有使力,但是弓子卻不會掉 下來。 F.21,text,handwriting,font,document,paper


2. 特別編製針對幼年學生的教材








5. If you 're happy and you know it,music,white,text,sheet music,font4. This Old Man,music,text,sheet music,font,line









3. 充足的中高階教材


可能只會拉1,2本練習曲 ,或隨意揀些歌曲給學生練習。







4. 舉辦學生音樂會,給學生表演的經驗






Student Concert VENUE: CULTURAL ACTIVITIES HALL-TUEN MUN DATE: AUGUST 20, 2017 TIME: 3:15PM,music,string instrument,musical instrument,musician,performance

Bnlammie Student Concert MUN DATE AUCt i 30,2 ME:35M,stage,musical instrument,music,performance,entertainment

Student Concert VENI E: CULT RAL ACTIVITIES HALL-TUE, MUNTowe DATE: AUGI I 20, 2017 TIME: 3:15P,music,musical instrument,string instrument,musician,bowed string instrument

Benny & Yammie Student Concert,stage,concert,performance,orchestra,entertainment

dy Yammie Student Concert,stage,

ny&Yammle Student Concert,stage,performance,performing arts,theatre,entertainment



69TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第六十九屆香港學校音樂節 27/2 - 29/3/2017 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 香港學校普樂及朗誦協會主辦 Class項目 :N212- Assigned Order出場序31 Violin Solo trade Thuse Certificate獎狀 Competitor : Nganp7a、Vnonica 參賽者 90-100 marks Honours榮譽 80-89 marks 75-79 marks分 Proficiency良好 Merit優良 Piece(s)曲目 : ~ bed, ns S /4四 eri Marks 分數 ar Adjudication is based on the overall performance of the competitor(s),including: technique, interpretation, musicality and artistic appeal. PFR1據參賽者的整體表現評分,包括:技巧、演緷、音樂戚及戚染力。 Place 名次 Competitors) with less than 80 marks will not beawarded placing.評分未t80分za賽者將不覆g次. * İNJ tvino,text,handwriting,document,font,line68TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第六十八屆香港學校音樂節 22/2 23/3/2016 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 香港學校音樂及朗誦協會主辦 : N214-3 Assigned Order出場序: 8 Class項目 Member會員: 006708 - Violin Solo Grade Five Certificate奬狀 Competitor Kwan Yuen Ting 參賽者 90. 100 marks 80-89 marks分 Honours榮譽 Merit優良 75-79 marks分 Proficiency良好 Piece(s)曲目 :-No 2 Chanson Polonaise (from Two Mazurkas, Op 12)- Wieniawski Marks ㄌ數 Adjudlication is based on the overall performance of the competitorís).Including: technique interpretation, musicality and artistic appeal. Place 名次 Frgse娃的互nenF分,包括:技巧.xa.RMERER力. 不镬名 . Competitors) with less than 80 marks win not be awarded placing. H分*a80分之, ident andl mual play ingerbard to often cntrel of hor spad, bow w aight Vice expression dynami'cs 。Rnsk to the end of the piece Clarity of each Chord epeally the short one : Keap up the good wor Ms Jiachi Huang Adjudicator The adjudicator reserves O copyright of the comments made above conceming the performance of the competitor(s), 參賽者在此項目所獲得的評語之版權屬評判所擁有 Certificates will be available for collection by members of the Association from May to July in 2016 Members are responsible for distributing the certificates to their students. 类状須山昋港學校ii樂及Bǐ誦協曾甘A於2016年5月至가 Elgia取,丙田會A,text,font,handwriting,document,line

Graded music exam Candidate Presented by Subject CHOW WING SHAN KONG TSZ SHAN VIOLIN ABRSM Grade 5 Marks an Rx prenve and thure vibrato 'The middle Aata-had un 30 120) B2 rivid 30 120 va accont 30 (201 Scales and arpeggios SCA. wN1 w..、 a or Unaccompanied traditional song red, 21 114) Sight-reading or Quick study IS 21 114 Aural tests 18 1121 Additional comments if needed Total 2O Maximum (Pass) 150 1100 Pass Merit Distincti 100 120 130 Examiner coi、1、  This torm records the result of an exam held on: 20/Aug/2015,text,handwriting,document,music,fontABRSM Graded music exam CHO HEI KA Candidate Presented by Subject YUEN LONG TOWN HALL VIOLIN Marks Grade_ lie swe cluse. 30 (20) hve a 26 30 120) Scales and arpeggios Sae wex nrt traditional song 21 (14) Sight-reading or Quick study 따 21 (14] 13 at Aural tests les甘-ove Additional comments if need Total Maximum (Pass) Pass Merit Distinction 150 (1001 100 120 This form records the result of an exam held on: 09/ Oct /2016 Examiner code he Associated Bardof the Royal Schools fMusic Acompanyregistered within tedi ability n England and wales No. harity registered in England &Wales 12921821& Scotland (SC0433431. egistered office: 24 Portland Place, London W18 1LU Telephone +64 10120 7636 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm.ac.uk 03S  %,text,handwriting,document,paper,fontGraded music exam WONG HOI LAM ABRSM Candidate Presented by KONG TSZ SHAN Subject VIOLIN Grade Marks rl er fuu audnuuncal ahou.neet eu ce 30 1201 Matched uqs hape aud celens but toAdeuty perfer med30 120 Scales and arpeggios Salen duowas Sye Unaccompanied even tue traditional song espccial ur oetave Pon h ats 17 hes were atu'e 21 (141 Sight-reading 12 21 (14 Quick study dewed Aural tests lo 18 121 Additional comments if needed Total ns Maximum IPass 1501100) Pass Merit Distinction the eceo This form records the resulit of an exarn held on 01 Nov /2016 Examiner code: A 3 6049,text,handwriting,music,document,fontGraded music exam Candidate Presented by Subject ABRSM LEUNG HOI CHING GIANNA KONG TSZ SHAN VIOLIN Grade- Marks 2.8 30 (20) 2.3 28 30 (20) 26 30 (20) Scales and arpeggios or Unaccompanied traditional song ¾wh .roin in.t ne. Gim 섹 1 8 21 (14) or Quick study 21 (14) Aural tests 18 (12) Additional comments if needed C real Total 13 Maximum (Pass) 150 (100) tu γ th-nt Merit Distinction 100 120 130 This form records the result of an exam held on 05 / May 2017 Examiner code: CIIC 541 The Associated Board of the Royai Schools of Music. A company registered Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) and Scotland (SC043343) Reg stered once 4 Lordon wallPlace. London EC2YSAU Telephone+44 СО20 7636 5400  Email ab aabom ac,text,font,document,product,paperGraded music exam 幽 ABRSM Candidate Presented by Subject HO TSZ YU CANDY KONG TSZ SHAN VIOLIN Grade Marks ncs 30 (20) 30 (20) C3 A Suutable tenpoa set an tuuui A tew uncleas omets wue itonatio cise cusr 2.7 30 (20) Scales and arpeggios Unaccompanied plaveo autough utonatia uas not traditional song 21 (14) Sight-reading -Trīs u played us a Manu Quick study 19 21 (14) and i e resposses ie pitch 18 (12 Additional comments needed Total 3o a puuasuve to hear tws Maximum (Pass) 150 100) was Pass Merit Distinction 100 120 2923 This form records the result of an exam held on 26 /Aug /2017 Examiner code A38 3 Msic A company regised with linihed ability in Englan&Was No 92 r 4n l PlacLondon ECy SA (02 7636 5400 arm.au,text,font,handwriting,music,lineGraded music exam 幽 ABRSM Candidate Presented by Subject XUE LOK YIU KONG TSZ SHAN VIOLIN Grade Marks planes i a ueute 30 (20) 30 (20) C3 me tenpo uas Set useu and tui 30 (20) Scales au arpegiosRsponse sealsuas ead and Unaccompanied t we' vunu raitionasoneitolatior s Sec. Apeggias se or 18 correct 21 14) Quick study 18 21 (14) Aural tests 18 18 (12) Additional comments if needed Total 3o It was a pleasue to heas tuus be auut Maximum (Pass) 150 100) ass Merit Distinction 100 130 This form records the result of an exam held on: 26 Aug 2017 Examiner codeo The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A company registered with limited liability in England & Wales No 2930,text,music,font,handwriting,lineGraded music exam ABRSM CHAN LOK SZE Candidate Presented by Subject -CHAN LOK SZE VIOLA Grade 3 Marks 30 (20) òonM δトの 30 (20) Ak 13 anth /レ 0 30 (20) Scales and arpeggi or Unaccompanied my wie cM 21(14) Sight-reading 21 (14) Aural tests 18 (12) Additional comments if needed Total 150 (100) 100 120 130 Maximum (Pass) Merit Distinction 6947 2018 Examiner code: TO This form records the result of an exam held on 24 Aug with limited lablity n England & Wales No 6 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Masic A company registered w,text,handwriting,font,line,paperGraded music exam 幽 ABRSM KWOK HO WANG CLEMENT Candidate Presented by KONG TSZ SHAN Subject VIOLIN Grade4 Marks 30 (20) B3几ら 'plaus' a t.tte hart an hrance 't ta Sơn Pute ms, a sn~败사 t.hrteo ,h r 2.5 30 (20) Scales and arpeggios or Unaccompanied traditional song duh-d. Tae-sa) hr nnu vennun 21 (14) Sight-reading Quick study 15 Aural tests Total 26 Additional comments if needed 150 (100) 100 120 Maximum (Pass) Merit Distinction 3214 This form records the result of an exam held on 30 Sep /2017 Examiner code: T 38 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A company registered with limited iability in England & Wales No 1 3 i Wales (292182) and Scotiand (5C043343,text,music,font,paper,line

uli ABRSM Graded music exam CandidateCHEUNGT KAI WANGT Presented by Subject MusIC PLACE OLIN Grade Marks 2012-15 in, aivis,on) ん1H nostem.phe ci e .To ud wal nuo Jth ant ne ねn.< and Mvyfhw.imんnd tィair and rvへJ 30 1201 kuhng acconnt Scales and arpeggios or unaccompanied Ccw Mん traditional son and transpoaitionuis was morti nthumic au uen and transpositionl or Quick Study uestsMes over all with s Additional comments Total Levedeping here, atone wi(h Max nnum IPass) 15011001 it to purtom. Well hone Mun Unalaï Pass Merit Distinction 120 130 This form records the result of an exam held on 1 9 AUG 2013  The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1926395 Registered as a Charity No. 29218 Registered office:24 Portland Place, London WiR 1l Tolenhon,text,handwriting,writing,font,documentGraded music exam ABRSM SIN KA CHUN Candidate Presented byMUSIC PLACE Subject VIOLIN Grade 8 Marks よtun.. 301201 30 1201 thad the linea ort太utia.cm 4 u yow tu had 2% v Scales and arpeggios or traditional stll rs 21 114 Quick study Aural tests 18 (12) Additional comments if needed 130 Total Maximum (Pass 150 (100 Pass Merit Distinction 100 This form records the result of an exam held on: 30/ Oct /2014 21658 Examiner code The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music is a company registered with imited iability in England and Registered in England and Wales as a Charity No: 292182 and in Scotand No. 5C04334 231  office 24 Portland Place, Landon w1B1LU Telephone .44 101207636 5400 Email abrmpabrsm,text,font,document,















學費 :

Grade 1 : $840 4堂45mins

Grade 2 : $920  4堂45mins

Grade 3 : $1000  4堂45mins

Grade 4 : $1120  4堂45mins

Grade 5 : $1200  4堂45mins

Grade 6 : $1320  4堂45mins

Grade 7 : $1480  4堂45mins

Grade 8 : $1600  4堂45mins



上課地點:新界天水圍新北江嘉湖新城2樓159號鋪 (String Duet弦樂教室)





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