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  2. 教學進修
  3. 音樂課程 - 聲樂

[銅鑼灣SOGO] 聲樂, 鋼琴, 樂理. HKU 香港大學 BA Music, HKBU MA Music, LMusTCL, AMusTCL, ALCM, DipABRSM

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-09-05 刊登者: S.K. MUSIC 已驗證
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Zachary (鋼琴及假聲男高音) 於銅鑼灣設立琴室S.K. Music. 銅鑼灣地鐵站出口只需行1分鐘.

Zachary Wong 教授範圍包括鋼琴, 古典聲樂, 5級/8級樂理, 以及少數能教授AMusTCL及LMusTCL. 

12年全職教授經驗, 可全英語教授. 能教授由3歳至成人各年齡.


聲樂課包括開聲練習, 姿勢改善, 發聲位置研習以及唱各種歌曲.

以英語民歌和藝術歌曲作為基礎, 亦會學習德語藝術歌曲Lieder, 意大利藝術歌曲Aria, 法語藝術歌曲Melodie. 學習各種基礎藝術歌曲後, 亦會開始學習歌劇曲目.




或Whatsapp +852-92751628 查詢.


Qualification: 專業資歷

BA (Hons) (Music Major), HKU

MA (Music) (Piano Pedagogy Major), HKBU

DipABRSM in Piano Performance

ALCM in Classical Singing



Born in Hong Kong, Zachary Siu-kan Wong started piano learning at the age of 10. He got fascinated by the piano repertoire, few years after started piano learning, especially music in late Baroque era. Zachary then started formal music training at the University of Hong Kong. In the three years of undergraduate studies, he was not only focusing at piano performance and music theories but also an active Balinese Gamelan player, a bass singer and a student conductor. Learning conducting technique with the University Choir under the teaching of Dr Michael Ryan was also another highlight in his undergraduate years. He was therefore exposed in a multicultural background of music which results the ability of understanding both western classical music and world music. 

After graduated from the University of Hong Kong with Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree (Music major), Zachary continued his further studies in Music Education industry. He completed his Master of Arts in Music degree with Piano Pedagogy major at Hong Kong Baptist University. At the same time, he also gave piano lessons in order to acquire piano teaching skills and to adapt piano pedagogical knowledge into his piano lessons. In this period of time, he studied piano performance from Stephen Wong and finished the master degree dissertation about baroque keyboard repertoire under the supervision of Professor David Chung. 

As a music teacher, Zachary started giving piano, classical singing and music theory lessons since 2008. His teaching objective is to enjoy and understand music through mutual interaction between student and teaching. The method of music appreciation is always being highlighted by extensive audible exposure during lessons and outside classroom. Accumulated the knowledge of music understanding would be the solid foundation of piano performance in long tern instead of solely mechanical technical practice. Kodaly, Orff and Dalcroze methods are incorporated in every lessons. 

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