Bel Canto Vocal Instructor
Tiffany Lau
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Miss Lau 剛剛完成於台灣的國際聲樂比賽,並準備於10月前往美國作總決賽!!
Miss Lau 將於2011年9月4日8時15分,假荃灣大會堂舉行獨唱會。
Congratulations to my lovely Viola wou won this PURPLE Champion flag (U1),
you deserved to get it, I am so proud of you!!! I love you and PURPLE.
All the best in your AL Examination. And also my lovely Champion SzeSze (W1),
Miss Lau hasn't got a chance to take photo with you and your PURPLE Champion flag.
Congratulations to you two. Hope you both do well
in the Miss Barbara Fei Vocal Prize Final-費明儀女士獨唱獎總決賽 on 27th March 2012 !
This is such a great chance to widen your experience.
學生音樂會將定於2012年2月17 日。
更糟糕的是,可能出現聲帶問題。聲 樂是一個全身配合的樂器,
About Miss Lau
Tiffany Lau graduated with an academic degree with honors from
the Music Department at the University of Hull, and later obtained a scholarship to study a master's degree to complete the study in vocal music.
Early Enlightenment by Ms. Chan Pui-Shang has made Tiffany to be actively involved in a number of music activities and academic competitions.
Tiffany then studied in the UK for a few years, studying with a number of well-known vocalists such as Chiffon Lee, Sarah Rhodes, Angela Bostock, Gareth William, Carol Byer, Claire Booth, as well as vocal coach, Andrew Mattews-Owen, Prof. Ingrid Kremling, Martin Low, Kevin Thraves, and more.
During these years, Tiffany has obtained excellent results in the Royal School of Music Diploma, Trinity College of Music as well as London College of Music: FTCL,FLCM, LTCL and ATCL.
Tiffany is now furthering her professional career in Opera at Royal College of Music in U.K.
Throughout the years she has also received lots of awards and recently in 2008, she wonMiss Barbara Fei Vocal Scholarship.
Tiffany held the first concert "In the Heart of You" in 2007 at the Hong Kong Shueng Wan Civic Centre, with great success. During 2008-2010, Tiffany has performed in two recital concerts at the "University of Hull", and was invited to take part as a soloist guest by many music groups "St. Patrick's Church", "Goole Choral Society", "Snaith Choral Society" etc. respectively. In 2011, she performed in ''Tiffany Lau Recital'' with great success in Hong Kong.
Tiffany often sings western opera arias, art songs and folk songs in concert, including a wide range of period repertoire. Most recently Tiffany was interviewed by TVB and New Tang Dynasty Television, asking her questions and talking about singing. In addition to performance activities, Tiffany is also active in music education and has taught vocal since 2005 and trained lot of talented singer, her students often gain good result in different singing competitions over the years.
Rhodes、Angela Bostock、Gareth William、Carol Byer、Claire Booth 等,以及聲樂指導Andrew Mattews-Owen、Prof. Ingrid Kremling, Martin Low and Kevin Thraves等.
劉氏於二零零七年,假香港上環文娛中心舉行首場音樂會《扣人心弦2007》,獲得音樂界好評。二零零八至二零一零年其間,於《赫爾大學》兩度舉行個人獨唱會,又多次應音樂團體《St. Patrick’s Society》、《Goole Choral Society》、《Snaith Choral Society》之邀請等,為其擔任獨唱嘉賓。二零一一年,劉氏於香港荃灣大會堂舉行『劉倪彤個人獨唱會』,亦獲得空前成功。
- Master of Music in Performance - University of Hull
- Bachelor of Music (Hons) - University of Hull
- Fellowship of Trinity College of Music in Vocal Performance, London - FTCL
- Fellow of London College of Music in Classical Singing - FLCM
- Licentiate of Trinity College of Music in Vocal Teaching , London - LTCL
- Associate of Trinity College of Music in Vocal Performance , London - ATCL
港女高音讚大賽 華人千載難逢良機 新唐人記者梁珍在香港報導
國舉 辦小型合唱或獨唱音樂會等。
留學外國多年的她,對於新唐人在紐約舉辦全世界華人聲樂 大賽,充滿期望。
一些志同道合的朋 友,可以一起研究一些自己喜歡的事,最後都希望他們比賽成功!
Beginners - This includes individuals with little or no prior knowledge,
who wish to explore any aspect of singing.
Intermediate - For those singers who have had some previous training and are looking to
train the voice with particulargoals in mind.
Advanced - Is aimed at those who have already had formal training and considerable performing experience.