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香港青年鋼琴演奏家, 專業教授鋼琴, 獲中國新聞社、惠州電視台、南方日報 等好評! 倫敦碩士鋼琴表演專業

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2020-01-10 刊登者: jackyfong235

香港青年鋼琴演奏家 - 方培德 Jacky Fong 



「方培德以《黃河協奏曲》為開場曲目,通過黃河奔流不息的情景,表現中華民族生生不息、勇於開拓創新的時代精神......。貝多芬《熱情》奏鳴曲、蕭邦《圓舞曲》、李斯特《鐘》......再現了大師的韵律。方培德先生已高超的演奏藝術,為現場一千多名觀眾奉上一場豐盛的文化大餐 ...令全場觀眾如醉如痴,回味無窮」 ...《今日惠陽》報章




- 倫敦Guildhall市政廳音樂及戲劇學院, 碩士鋼琴表演專業
    MPerf, Guildhall School of Music And Drama, London ​

- 倫敦聖三一音樂學院頒發高級專業演奏師執業文憑

- 英國倫敦大學皇家哈洛唯學院音樂學士 
   BMus(Hons), Royal Holloway, University of London, U.K.

- 音樂家協會(惠州)會員 
   Membership of Musicians Association (Huizhou) 

- 英國羅浮堡大學管理碩士學位 
   MSc, Loughborough University, U.K.

- 師從日本鋼琴家及利茲國際鋼琴比賽(Leeds)得獎者 Noriko Ogawa, 英國鋼琴家 Philip Fowke, Dennis Lee 和 James Kirby 等多位鋼琴大師



- 2018年元旦(2017.12.31)在國內舉行新時代-新年鋼琴音樂會,社會反應熱烈,包括中國新聞社、中央人民廣播電台、惠陽電視台、南方日報、新浪網、搜狐網、華爾街頭條、惠州日報、今日頭條、今日惠陽報、東方頭條網、中國網、網易等多個文化網站好評!

- 經常在國內舉行個人專場演奏會,最近有惠州文化藝術中心、惠陽大劇院,公眾反應熱烈,包括惠州日報、惠州電台、今日頭條等多個文化網站好評!

- 曾多次應邀出席英國愛丁堡藝術節、布萊頓藝術節作表演嘉賓

- 以及經常在倫敦的大教堂舉行演奏會和大學校園演出


南方日報演評: https://static.nfapp.southcn.com/content/201712/31/c881041.html


英文生平 (Biography):

Jacky Fong gained his Masters in piano performance (MPerf) at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, studying under Noriko Ogawa (Leeds piano competition winner)and Paul Roberts. He did his Bachelor of Music at Royal Holloway, University of London, studying with James Kirby. While studying in the UK, Jacky performed frequently in churches, cathedrals, Universities’ concert halls and festivals, such as Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Brighton Fringe. He has had chamber coaching and masterclasses with various professors, including Helen Reid, Caroline Palmer, Laura Roberts and Peter Bithell. His former teachers include Philip Fowke (A colleague and friend of Ukrainian-born American virtuoso pianist Shura Cherkassky), Jeremy Kimber and Dennis Lee. In 2016, he graduated with a master's degree in management from Loughborough University. He is currently a member of Musicians Association (Huizhou).


Jacky gives regular recitals in China, most recently Huizhou Culture & Art Center and Huiyang Grand Theatre which have received critical acclaim in the press, including Huizhou Daily, Huizhou Radio Station, Today’s Headlines and various cultural websites. On New Year’s Eve 2018 (2017,12,31), Jacky returned to Mainland China to perform at New Era-New Year Recital which was greeted with widespread critical acclaim in the press, including China News Service, Huiyang Television Station, Southern Daily, Huizhou Daily, China National Radio, Sina.com, Huiyang Daily, Today’s Headlines, Sohu.com, Eastday Headlines, China.com.cn, Wallstreet Toutiao, NetEase and various cultural websites.


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