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  2. 教學進修
  3. 音樂課程 - 學琴

學演奏級(採用YAMAHA 演奏型三角鋼琴教授)20 年教琴經驗 LTCL 演奏文憑級鋼琴及樂理教師 ,並包括Absolute Pitch 訓練,Aural test 更易取滿分

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-09-16 刊登者: Des-Music
      musical instrument,piano,technology,digital piano,keyboard
    Trinity College London PATRON HRH THE DUKE oF KENT KG Performer's DIPLOMA having successfully completed the necessary examinations in is hereby admitted Licentiate of the COLLEGE ON BEHALF OF THE COUNCIL I CHIEF EXECUTIVE PRINCIPAL   text,document,diploma,
    TRINITY Examination Report COLLEGE LONDON This is not a certificate ATCL Recital (Piano), Unit 1 Piano Recital ATCL Centre: Hong Kong Music Centre (286) Candidate name: MO SHI Candidate ID: 1-453618047 Programme There an) balanas eigen ちShape the phases; an engajig pafernana. and clear, dtud dgnana。 Srich vals intem 康ckins (Saslak Sandas k.sa/2es/1hio Jimpl), ausiner enerere Techniques /30 Summary Ihs has an l Sense 하to /30 ahlen balance are thou州ul, ansh wschs the nsto mene Cmpluh ith deta.as imius ill presontsd Presentation Skills mma o was apprprae Total: Overall attainment bands are as follows: Pass 60, Distinction 80. Examiner number: Examiner signature: Order number: 145122626) Reviewing Examiner signature:   text,handwriting,font,paper,document
    aS 香港作曲家及作詞家協會 THE COMPOSERS AND AUTHORS SOCIETY OF HONG KONG LIMITED An ASSOCIATION of COMPOSERS AUTHORS and PUBLISHERS of MLSIC A COMINNY LIMITED BY aARANTEE AND NOT HAİNG A SHARE CAPITAL THIS IS TO CERTIFY that B0 Tat Man 中文名 was elected a Member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association 依據本會章程台端已被接納爲本會之會員,特此聲明 承理事會命:祕書Secretary Director 9 August 1996 日期Date of Election 理事Director   text,diploma,

學演奏級(採用YAMAHA 演奏型三角鋼琴教授)20 年教琴經驗

LTCL 演奏文憑級鋼琴及樂理教師 ,並包括Absolute Pitch 訓練,Aural test 更易取滿分

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性