Fenix獲全額獎學金及研究生助學金赴美國貝勒大學取深造, 師承Krassimira Jordan及Vincent De Vries, 以鋼琴獨奏及鋼琴合奏雙碩士學位畢業, 並於2008年獲Roger L. Keyes傑出研究生獎。其後赴奧地利維也納音樂大學, 隨Thomas Kreuzberger及Barbara Moser習琴, 並取得鋼琴獨奏及室樂合奏深造文憑。
在留美期間曾擔任學系之鋼琴伴奏, 現活躍於鋼琴演奏及伴奏, 不時擔任音樂比賽評判,曾於漢基國際學校任鋼琴導師。 在2016年8月,被邀請參加在維也納舉行之貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲馬拉松,於維也納兒童合唱團音樂廳(MuTh)表演. 2017年4月與香港譜樂管弦樂團演奏拉赫曼尼諾夫第二鋼琴協奏曲. 同年8月, 他再次受邀參與貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲馬拉松, 並於香港演藝學院演出.
Fenix received a full scholarship and assistantship offered by Baylor University in Texas for the Master programme of piano performance and collaborative piano. He worked intensively with Ms .Krassimira Jordan, the artist in residence, and Dr. Vincent de Vries, the director of collaborative piano, for his dual master degree program. In 2008, Man received the Roger L. Keyes award for Outstanding Graduate student in Piano.
In 2010, Man was accepted by the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna for the postgraduate programme major in Piano, Lieder and chamber music. Besides the tutoring of Prof Thomas Kreuzberger and Prof Barbara Moser, Man also received coaching from Prof Gottfried J. Pokorny, Robert Wolf, Gerhard Hildenbrand, Adelheid Blovsky-Miller and Heidi Eisenberg etc. During the stay in Vienna, Man has given performances for both solo and chamber repertoires.
In Baylor, Man worked with various groups of musicians, both instrumentalists and vocalists, for auditions, competitions or performance purposes. He was asked to represent the school of Music to perform in the Orientation day and Commencement ceremony.
Fenix is now an active performer and a sought-after accompanist, as well as competition judge. He taught in Chinese International School after coming back to Hong Kong. In 2016 August, He was invited to perform in Beethoven piano sonata marathon in MuTh - Concert Hall of the Vienna Boys Choir, Vienna with other well known musicians such as Colleen Lee and Jimmy Chiang. In 2017 April, Fenix has performed Rachmaninoff Piano concerto no.2 with Hong Kong Post-Modern Philharmonic orchestra. In 2017 August, Fenix was invited to perform in Beethoven piano sonata marathon again, held in Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
現正招收1-8級, 演奏級之鋼琴學生
歡迎任何需要鋼琴伴奏(考試/ 面試) 之聲樂或器樂人士查詢
Fenix Man
tel/whatsapp: 91560402
email: [email protected]