此外,陳氏亦於香港國際音樂學校修讀鋼琴教學文憑課程等。陳氏現為香港新雅詠團(NCC)成員及曾為香港國際音樂學校合唱團成員。陳氏演出無數,曾獲邀參與各類大型音樂會演出,如清唱劇〈從榮耀降臨〉、音樂劇〈遵主意行-詩人大衛〉、〈月之情〉等。 陳氏也積極投入於音樂教育工作,致力將音樂的真、善、美傳揚出去。其學生勻於不同音樂比賽中屢獲奬項。
Matthew Chan showed his strong interest in music since he was young and he plays different instruments with ABRSM qualifications. He studied piano with Ms Jojo Chan Cho Wai and Mr. Lap Kay Chow .He also guided by Nancy Loo, Prof Wong, Eleanor, Colleen Lee Ka-ling. Apart from piano, Chan also get talent in vocal and trumpet. He studied vocal under Mr. Luk Kin Chi and trumpet with Dr. William So. In addition, Chan is a church guitarist, now studying classical and pop guitar. All these can prove how he loves music and gifted.
Chan is a holder of Hong Kong International Institute of Music diploma majoring in piano pedagogy. Besides, he is now a member of Hong Kong International Institute of Music and Hong Kong New Chamber Choir. Having fruitful experiences in performance, he was invited to perform in different public events, for example, cantata〈Down From His Glory〉、Musicals〈KING DAVID〉、〈THE MOON〉. Chan also devoted himself into music education, aiming to let the young enjoy the art of music. All his students find his lesson enjoyable and get prizes in different competitions.
採用YAMAHA C2 Grand Piano 授課
- 教授正確之鋼琴彈奏,坐姿及手型.還會訓練音樂感與聆聽能力(視唱練耳),提昇學生彈奏技巧及閱譜能力,務求學生學習得到全面發展.
- 教授正確之聲樂呼吸方法,共鳴的概念,唱歌發聲方法,發聲區與換聲區,發聲常見的問題及糾正方法
查詢電話 /whatsapp 60162263 Matthew Chan
電郵: [email protected]
Facebook Pages:@matthewmusicstudio