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Exposing a child to great music training is essential for brain development

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: my_workshop
With a team of friendly, qualified and experienced teachers, we deliver the best to your little ones.

Exposing a child to great music training is essential for brain development. Nothing activates as many areas of the brain as music. Either use it or lose it – if a cell is not appropriately stimulated by other cells, it self-destructs. Studies also show the tight correlations between music training and mathematical reasoning. However, children learn musical concepts only until about age 7, the learning pretty much stops after that. It is good to let children to start music training early, particularly “continuous” musical training.

Our courses are designed based on the philosophies of early childhood and child brain development at different stages. Besides music courses, our other programs are also aiming at supporting children to develop physiologically including their gross motor skills and fine motor skills, hand eye coordination; psychologically and emotionally; as well as intelligence and cognition in general.


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小小鋼琴室(個人試學)Piano (Individual) Workshop
Ms Gigi 現正於香港浸會大學修讀音樂碩士課程,主修兒童音樂。自4歲起學習鋼琴,初中已完成八級鋼琴及樂理考試的Ms.Gigi,擁有二十年豐富教授鋼琴和樂理的經驗。近年積極於研究及推行其教學法,希望幼兒能真正享受音樂教學。

Ms Gigi更是畢業於嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院,其後於澳洲留學。現除了為初小補習外,更鑽研入學面試技巧及英文拼音技巧,盡心盡力去為幼兒提供最優質的教學方法。

Ms Yvonne擁有十年教授鋼琴、樂理及音樂班經驗,持有皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴及樂理證書,以及幼兒音樂教育專業證書,並積極參與本地及海外之歌詠團演出,吸取不同的經驗。多年來的幼兒音樂教育歷程,簡單如與幼兒一起唱遊已足以成為Ms.Yvonne生活中不可缺少的推動力。

Ms Yvonne於高中時期已開始為小學生補習,經驗豐富。過去曾教授過的學生來自: 嘉諾撒聖心學校、嘉諾撒聖方濟各英文小學、銅鑼灣聖保祿學校(小學部) 、嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校及胡素貞博士紀念學校等等。

Ms Yvonne近年更不斷進修,除了單簧管外,更鑽研敲擊樂,編制節奏班,為幼兒日後學習樂器打好基礎。

My Workshop Limited
網址:    www.myworkshop.com.hk
地址:    佐敦吳松街147號寶業商業大廈15樓A&B室
電話:    27360910
電郵:    [email protected]

My Workshop Limited

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