在Miss Tong的學生中,有90%的非初學新生都能在短時間內得到顯著的進步,當中,幾乎全部的問題都是源自姿勢不良、用力不均、各種壞習慣小毛病。若然這些小問題在一開始就不存在,學習進度必然加快。學習樂器在初學時尤其重要,勿因小失大,浪費了寶貴的時間。
本人師隨名師何紅英、梁建楓,有多年演奏及教育經驗,於2020年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修小提琴。曾有一段時間修讀及研究幼兒教育,並曾於多個幼兒教育中心任職小提琴導師及幼兒Playgroup 助理導師,善於與小朋友相處及溝通,令學生有效學習之餘享受音樂,以耐心和技巧教學。
Tong sze sze was born in Hong Kong, she started playing violin from 7 years old with Mr Leung Sui Wo. In 2010, Tong start learning violin with Mr. Leung Kin Fung until 2017, who is the first associate concertmaster of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. From 2017 to 2020, Tong study with Miss Ho Hung Ying, Miss Ho was the concertmaster of Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra.
Tong graduated in Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art in 2020 .
Tong is experienced in performing and teaching, she joined HKAPA Academy Symphony Orchestra and played in many other professional orchestras as a freelance performer, she also perform in weddings or parties.
Since 2012, Tong started to teach students privately. Her teaching style is flexible because the communication is the most important thing to her.Through the communication with students and parents, she use different methods to achieve their purpose and teach in different ways. She is passionate about teaching, seeing the progress of the students is the biggest happiness for her.