1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 音樂課程 - 管弦樂


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2020-10-09 刊登者: Miss Lau
      seminar,communication,community,training,public speaking
    UNIVERSITY OF WEST LONDON LONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC EXAMINATIONS Lau Wing Shan Diploma of the London College of Music UWLQ Level 4 Diploma in Music Performance Flute Performance DipLCM in Performance (Concert) with the right to use the letters DipLCM Regulated by STERA Ofqual LELE /(AT10や lecagsised awardiag hody to Professor John Howard Director LOM Exareinations Professor Peter John Vice Chancelor University of West London Winter 2017 Hon Kong Centre 3 Qualification Accreditation Number: 600/0639/0 Credit isawarded for the follow ing unit: Y/615/366。(Level 4, 90 credits, EQF Level 5) Candidate Number: 182797 Certificate Number: 227852 Date of issue: 12/01/2018 This quatification is assessed and awarded by the University of west London and ฮdministered by London College of Music Examinations  text,font,paper,line,
    ABRSM Patron: Her Majesty The Queen President: His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales Royal Academy of Music Royal College of Music Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Royal Northern College of Music The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certify that LAU WING SHAN was examined and passed ARSM (ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL SCHOOLS OF MUSIC) FLUTE in 2017 Presented for examination by Michael Elliott Chief Executive AUG 2017/40990-001 ABRSM, 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom Charity registered in England &Wales (292182) &Scotland (SCO  text,font,line,document,paper

💠本人為全職器樂導師,已考獲長笛演奏級文憑資格,包括英國皇家音樂學院ARSM文憑,  及英國倫敦音樂學院DipLCM文憑。現於香港及國內音樂培訓中心任教,亦有私人上門教學。本人自4歲起接觸鍵盤音樂,自8歲起接觸短笛及長笛,參與在校步躁管樂團,現常於教會管弦樂小組合奏及與合唱團詩班伴奏、獨奏等,具豐富合奏經驗。更有門下學生考獲英國皇家音樂考試distinction.

💠教授興趣班 / 長笛1-8級課程/ 面授樂理1-5級課程 / 線上樂理惡補,送考英國皇家音樂學院ABRSM試、音樂比賽。🔅教授經驗:2014年-現在,按學生個性、能力、家長期望的要求而因材施教, 快樂學習


1️⃣「長笛課」:1.介紹長笛歷史、種類、結構構造、特色、保養、選購長笛。2.基本拍子、樂理、曲目結構、長笛獨有技巧、音色控制..3.獨奏、合奏、長笛多重奏 4.管弦樂團知識。




💠如有興趣, 價錢可議, 歡迎與本人聯絡Whatsapp61142078 / 電郵: [email protected]


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