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We strive to provide the best Montessori education to children aged

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-07-03 刊登者: Ms Leung

Little Montessorian

In The Absorbent Mind, Dr. Montessori wrote, "The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.  For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement is being formed?".

     Young children have absorbent minds during their first six years of life, which help them soak up information from the environment and learn through their senses in the most natural and delightful way. During this time, children form and shape their early impressions about the world around them and developed their intelligence. Therefore, each and every early experience is of vital importance which would have an impact on his future development.

      There are times in children's lives called sensitive periods which are optimal for acquiring a specific skill such as language, discipline, a sharpening of the senses, reading or writing. These are the best times for children to learn a particular skill during the corresponding sensitive period than at any other time in his life. If he misses the good timing, some of his potential may not be explored or fully developed. The Montessori teacher recognizes the sign and the importance of these sensitive periods to young children and guides the children with appropriate materials in order to help fully developed their potential.

 The aims of the Montessori Method of Education:
*   To help and support children to develop their unique personality.
*   To help and support the children to develop to his full intellectual capacity.
*   To foster Independence by helping children accomplish their goals to build
*   To respect and appreciate all people of different socio-economic status,
     abilities and cultures.
*   To nurture and help the child grow up to be a physically-fit and happy child,
    and become socially and emotionally well adapted.

Our Service


We strive to provide the best Montessori education to children aged from 12 months to 9 years.  Our Discovery Montessori School is a purpose built preschool situated right in the middle of the natural beauty of Discovery Bay. Our school, which is surrounded by many natural resources and facilities (such as the beach, parks, green fields, community hall and gym, football field) fosters each child's intrinsic desire for knowledge and provides the means for self-exploration and growth. DMS serves the Discovery Bay and West Kowloon communities.

Our Little Montessorian Learning Centre located at the heart of Causeway Bay provides a safe and nurturing environment to stimulate your children.  Our Montessori teachers carefully plan for the Montessori activities and observe your children in order to support them to maximize the development of their full potential during their early years.  Our Montessori programmes follow the six major areas of Montessori philosophy: Practical Life, Sensory, Language, Mathematics, Cultural, and Music and Movement.
Please CLICK HERE for more school information.


Little Montessorian® is one of the major International Montessori Materials Suppliers.  We provide excellent quality Montessori materials at discount prices to help you extend your child’s learning activities at home. We strive to provide an environment of support and encouragement to parents in the important journey of their child’s education and intend to work hand-in-hand to fulfill your child’s potential.
Many of the tasks they do at school can be performed at home as well, that is why we provide Montessori education materials and regularly hold parental workshops and seminars to help you guide your child in the home environment. We provide information and ideas on how to help your child progress in school and at home including how to incorporate the Montessori philosophy in the home life, in everyday activities and the way you communicate with your child.   All of this on-going support is provided to our Little Montessorian® VIP members.   

Address:19/F Jardine Center, 50 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Hotline:(852) 3621-0010
Fax:(852) 3421-0125
Email:[email protected]

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