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The Super-Teen® programme is the result of years of research on genius students.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-07-12 刊登者: 匯基培訓及輔導中心 Relybase Consultant Limited.

匯基培訓及輔導中心 Relybase Consultant Limited.

Dear Parents,

Have you heard about the Super-Teen® programme from USA that has helped thousands of students in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong to become better in their studies and personal lives ? In Hong Kong, the Super-Teen® Holiday Training Camp has been running successfully since 1992 and thousands of students have attended this training programme.

The Super-Teen® programme is the result of years of research on genius students. It's amazing to discover that peak performers like genius students always use a certain strategy to study or perform any learning tasks . Unlike most students who don't even know any learning method.

"Definitely Go!!" It's an experience you'll love and will never forget. I wish i had discovered it earlier.

For example, if you ask your child today on how he memorizes his work, he would probably tell you that he would repeat the facts over and over and over again. This is call "mugging". But there are specific ways on how you could memorize information with outstanding results. There is no such thing as a poor memory, only a trained or an untrained one. In the Super-Teen® programme, we teach your child 7 techniques, step-by step on memorizing almost everything he wants. In fact he needs to bring his school books along for the application part of the programme.

Ask your child another question, "How do you read?" He'll probably look at you and wonder what you are trying to say, until he discovers that mind wandering and the lack of concentration is also due to poor reading habits. Students who have gone through Super-Teen® discovered that they could increase their reading speed up to three times and at the same time improve their comprehension. In other words, if they take three hours to study, now they could do it in one hour. Amazing, but possible with proper reading techniques.

That's what we do at Super-Teen® . We give your child an opportunity to improve himself tremendously by teaching him specific skills on "HOW-TO-STUDY", something that parents have taken for granted. The comprehensive syllabus covers areas such as :

  • how to prepare and sit for an exam;
  • how to develop better concentration;
  • how to create a learning environment in his own home;
  • how to understand the way to think;
  • and even how to take down notes that will help to understand the teacher better and use these notes for a more rapid revision of the lesson !

Many parents have told us that their children are actually quite smart, but they lack that drive, . that desire. that kind of motivation to excel. How happy parents were when they discovered that Super-Teen® programme does not only teach their child the study methods, but also focuses on personal skills that will develop their child's character and leadership abilities.

For further information, please contact us at

Relybase Training and Coaching Centre

Tel: 2104 7223

Fax: 2580 0797

Email: superteen@Relybase.com.hk

Address: Rm 502, Valley Centre,
80 Morrison Hill Road, Hong Kong

Website :http://www.relybase.com.hk/

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