1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 語言課程


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-05-23 刊登者: Movielearn HK Ltd


About Movielearn  關於Movielearn


Movielearn is the new way to teach everyday spoken English and understand English speaking cultures, not necessarily offered with traditional teaching methods. Movielearn provides user-friendly English learning tools for watching DVD movies on your computer, making learning not only fun, dynamic and interactive, but allowing you to personalize your learning. By just pressing certain keys on your computer, you pause the movie and are taken into a sophisticated learning interface which explains the English spoken in the movie.


Movielearn是全新的方法, 使你可學習到日常英語會話, 及了解英語會話 文化,這些並非傳統教材能學到的用法. Movielearn以易操作的學習工具提供學習者用電腦看DVD學英語, 使得學習效果達到有趣, 互動的目的. 並可讓學習者照適合自己的學習效果. 只要按下電腦的某個按鍵, 即可進入另一個學習空間, 以易懂的方式解釋電影中對話.


Target Audience:            Intermediate to Advanced Level

主要針對:             中級至高級英文程度


Objective:            Learn English through movies with user-friendly and interactive learning tools

目的:                     以亙動及易明白的學習平台上看電影學英語.



Benefits with using Movielearn

使用Movielearn 的好處


Just watch the movie on your PC and press SPACE BAR or ENTER key when you do not understand the English to pause the movie.  Movielearn teaches you to sophisticated learning panel that explain!  “Learn English with The Apprentice” teaches you everyday spoken English: jargon, slang, idioms, and colloquialisms.  It will also help you with:


當你遇到不明白的英語時,你只需要在電腦中按下SPACE BAR ENTER,電影暫停後Movielearn 即帶你進入全新學習體驗的平台! “跟飛黃騰達學英語”教導你日常英語會話, 如俚語,成語及口語用法. 它更可幫助你:


- Real Life Business English 現實商業英語            - Preparation for Overseas Trips  為外地留旅遊前準備

- Insight to US cultures  了解美國文化                    - Leadership Skills  領導技巧

- Negotiation Skills  談判技巧                      - Presentation Skills  表達技巧


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