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👩🏻‍🏫 註冊小學英語教師 上門牛津 RWI 拼音課程

更新於: 2024-07-08 刊登者: Chloe Ho
拼音 Phonics
星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六, 星期日

👩🏻‍🏫 註冊小學英語教師 上門牛津 RWI 拼音課程 

🌈 配合多感官活動,掌握原音拼寫技巧,逐步加強聽、說、讀、寫能力,讓小朋友喜歡英文、提升自信和內在學習動機

🎁 免費語音意識和字母知識評估 

🎁 首堂優惠 




對象︰4-7 歲兒童


授課形式︰1對1 或 1對2 (上門) 



  • 融合牛津 Read Write Inc. (RWI) 拼音課程的原音拼合法於教學中,有系統地教授字素和音素的關係
  • 學習44個原音、額外拼音規則、拼合和分拆原音的技巧,有助閱讀和拼寫
  • 配合多元化的多感官活動,提升學習興趣
  • 包含建立新詞彙、閱讀和寫作練習,逐步加強聽、說、讀、寫能力
  • 學習常見有不規則拼寫的搗蛋單字
  • 按學生進度和興趣調整學習內容
  • 透過進展性評估,確保學生保留所學知識
  • 定期為學生進行總結性評估,識別需鞏固的部份
  • 每堂向家長匯報學習進度


  • 註冊小學英語教師
  • 三年於本地小學專科專教英文並受訓任教 RWI 拼音課程經驗
  • 五年兼職私補、於補習社和學校任教幼小中學生英文經驗
  • 曾於柬埔寨義教英文和擔任陳校長免費補習天地義師
  • 香港城市大學文學士(英語語言)學位 (甲等榮譽)
  • 香港浸會大學學位教師教育文憑(小學英語教學專業) 




曾經有人跟我說:「你揀啲乖嘅學生教啦。」我不敢苟同。我曾教導一向被標籤為無論在學術及個人素質上也被band 1和2差的學生。但在多年的教學經驗中,我理解到所謂的問題學生不是「壞」學生,是缺乏支援、肯定、鼓勵和有效的溫習方法。






📱 聯絡 Miss Chloe

WhatsApp 6338 2998 https://wa.link/kg1zl9


👩🏻‍🏫 Registered Primary School English Teacher Offering the In-home RWI by Oxford Phonics Programme


🌈 Integrate multisensory activities to help master blending and segmenting skills 

🌈 A gradual approach to strengthen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills 

🌈 Cultivate confident and intrinsically motivated children with a fondness for English

🎁 Free Phonological Awareness and Alphabet Knowledge Assessment

🎁 Special offer for the first lesson

District: Tsuen Wan

Target: children ages 4-7

Mode of Teaching: 1:1 or 1:2 (in-home) 


Programme Features

  • Integrate the synthetic approach of the RWI by Oxford phonics programme in teaching to teach the relationship between graphemes and phonemes systematically 
  • Learn 44 pure sounds, additional phonics patterns, and techniques of blending and segmenting sounds to support reading and spelling
  • Use a variety of multisensory activities to enhance learning interest and consolidate what students have learned
  • Include new vocabulary-building, reading, and writing exercises to strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills gradually 
  • Learn common tricky words with irregular spellings
  • Adapt learning content according to student progress and interests
  • Conduct formative assessments to ensure students are retaining learning 
  • Conduct summative assessments for students regularly to identify areas that need to be consolidated
  • Report learning progress to parents every lesson


Tutor Qualifications


  • Registered Primary School English Teacher
  • Three years of experience specialised in teaching English at a local primary school and being trained to teach the RWI by Oxford phonics courses
  • Five years of experience in teaching English to kindergarten, primary, and secondary school students in part-time private tutoring, tutorial centres, and schools
  • Served as a voluntary teacher in Cambodia and Principal Chan Free Tutorial World
  • Bachelor of Arts in English Studies (First Class Honours), City University of Hong Kong
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Teaching of English) (Primary Focus), Hong Kong Baptist University

Teaching Philosophy


Some people once said, “Why don’t you choose obedient students to teach?” I beg to differ. I once taught students who were always labelled as inferior to band 1 and 2 students in academics and personal qualities. However, my years of teaching have taught me that the so-called problem students are not “bad” students. Instead, they lack support, affirmation, encouragement, and effective studying techniques.


I focus on developing students’ growth mindsets - those who understand that there are things in life that may not go as planned despite hard work, but will learn and bounce back from setbacks, and appreciate their efforts. Therefore, I often encourage and affirm students so that they believe in themselves. Fortunately, in my teaching career, I have been able to influence some students to change from a fixed mindset to a growth one.


In addition, if I want students to enjoy my class, I must also become a teacher that students like. Hence, I attach great importance to communicating with students, understanding their thoughts, and maintaining a relationship with them as both teachers and friends. By providing a pleasant, interactive, and safe learning environment, students are encouraged to try and learn from their mistakes. For me, the greatest satisfaction in education is witnessing students’ changes and progress in academics, behaviour, and mindset.


📱Contact Miss Chloe

WhatsApp 6338 2998 https://wa.link/kg1zl9



