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  3. 語言課程

私人補習普通話(兒童會話/成人/外國人/商業公司)Private Mandarin Tutor (kids/Adults/Foreigners/Business Corp)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2023-09-21 刊登者: 217161


  • 我是在香港出生長大的北京人,普通話和廣東話皆是母語。個性開朗外向,對成人和兒童的學生均有耐心、愛心、責任心、再加上永不放棄的熱誠和戰鬥精神^.^! 普通話水平測試(一級乙等:95.6分)教授普通話陸續有10年的經驗。
  • 我母親是北京人,個性開朗、活潑幽默和年輕人打成一片,被學生們譽為對各行業都知識經驗豐富的老頑童^.^!在香港從事普通話教學已經25年。
  • 自幼旁聽並兼職協助母親從事教授普通話的工作(私人及商業)。
  • 在美國留學期間亦在大學的補習中心兼職教授外國學生學習普通話,不同國籍,不同年齡背景。除了普通話語言之外,更會交流不同國家文化。
  • 畢業後回到香港在著名國際化妝護膚品牌從事培訓工作多年,為前線銷售人員進行產品及銷售培訓的同時亦會教授普通話。
  • 為了有更多時間陪伴我三歲半的女兒,在2013年離開職場後,全職私人上門/上公司教授普通話。(包括:兒童/成人/外籍人士/公司企業用商業用/水平測試備試考生)





主要針對3-10歲小朋友,會在玩樂互動中學習普通話,包括: 遊戲教學、唱歌、故事閱讀、繪畫、話劇等創意活動教學,培養孩子們快樂地提高學習語言的興趣。亦會配合學校的普通話課程做復習。



會以輕鬆交流會話形式教授普通話,亦會配合職場的商業用語需要,某些行業更會以角色扮演形式上課讓內容更靈活實用。 公司企業課程會按照企業需要編排課程內容。










本人張老師 69007908



  • 學習語言不能心急,必須持之以恆,堅持就是勝利!一般在4個月左右會有明顯的進步。
  • 在水平還沒有到穩定的階段,必須每星期定時上課,不然經常請假只會浪費金錢和時間,每次都等於從零開始學!
  • 每星期上課的次數和時間要量力而為,不要為了心急有成效而逼自己一開始就上很多時間的課,令每次想到上課都有很大壓力,便會很容易放棄。
  • 每星期小朋友為2次1小時課為最佳,成人為1次1.5小時課或最少保持1小時課為最佳(當然也要因應程度,工作上的需求和時間安排再作調整!)
  • 沒有教不好的學生,孩子和大人都是!只要找到適合的辦法,不放棄,假以時日一定會有進步和收獲。
  • 小孩子從年幼開始學習語言必定是先從聆聽、儲存記憶詞彙和模仿老師說話開始。等他們慢慢的在潛意識裡儲存夠一定的詞彙和有概念句子應該怎麼說時,就會不然而然的說出來了,而且說的既自然又流暢。
  • 每個小孩子都有他自己的速度去學習和適應語言,但當他們真正發揮出來的時候,往往都是一個大大的跳躍,給老師和家長無限的驚喜!


Background Introduction

  • I’m a Beijinger who was born and raised in Hong Kong and have been teaching Mandarin for almost 10 years.  Both Mandarin (pure Beijing ascent) and Cantonese are my native languages.  I’m very outgoing with patient and never give up on my students!
  • My mother is from Beijing and has been teaching Mandarin in Hong Kong for almost 25 years.  She’s very young hearted with sense of humor and extremely experienced in teaching students from many different industries. 
  • Since I was young, have been already acting as a teaching assistant for my mom during her classes. 
  • When I studied in California (UC San Diego), I served as a mandarin tutor at University Tutor Center to assist students from different countries and age groups for their Mandarin courses.  Furthermore, we exchange not only the language itself but also the cultural backgrounds.  
  • After graduated from the States, I returned to HK and joined a well-known international luxury cosmetic brand’s training department.  Acted as a trainer to train the frontline sales about product knowledge, selling techniques and also Mandarin.
  • For having more family time to spend with my 3.5 years old daughter, I quitted my job in 2013 and becoming a freelance private Mandarin tutor for kids, adults, foreigners, commercial corporate, and Mandarin Test candidates.


Teaching PinYin (Mandarin Phonics):

Through teaching the position of tongue and shape of lips to facilitates quick understanding of Mandarin Phonics – Pin Yin.  Will also relates Mandarin pronunciation to similar English pronunciation for quick and easy learning results.


Foreigners’ Lessons:

Using textbook for foreigners as the structure of the lesson.  In order to conduct an interesting and practical learning experience, will also blend in daily conversations, work place phrases and also cultural sharing.  Students’ nationalities include Americans, Japanese, Indian, Korean and German.


Adults/Corporate Lessons:

Using a relaxing conversational and fun puzzling approach to conduct lessons while also practice tailored-made topics, terminology or even role-play to comply with practical working needs.  Industries include banking, finance, trading, consulting, advertising, insurance, government departments, medical, aviation, education, retail, cosmetics and beauty, etc.


Kids Lessons:

For 3-10 years old kids, we play and learn interactively including games, singing, story telling, drawing and drama.  The key focus is to build up their interests in learning the language.  Moreover, will also do revisions on school’s Mandarin syllabus.


Fees and Contacts:

One on One lessons $400/hr; group class or corporate TBD.

Flexible time and location, if interested please Whatsapp:

- Ms. Chang at 69007908 


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