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普通話免費教學,尋找英語口語能力優秀人士(有多年外國生活經歷或native speaker prefer)共同學習語言

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-12-04 刊登者: lina

普通話免費教學,尋找英語口語能力優秀人士(有多年外國生活經歷或native speaker prefer)共同學習語言   本人在內地生活長大,會講普通話,粵語。已考取國家普通話水準測試二級乙等證書(86.5/100),現誠意尋找英語口語水準優秀人士進行語言學習交流,有意者請whatsapp 聯絡 6236 4245

Free Chinese learning

I grow up in Mainland China, who have acquired Putonghua Proficiency Test second level class B certificate (86.5 out of 100), now sincerely to invite a person who can speak English well to communicate language learning (with overseas experience or native speaker prefer).  Interested party please contact me through whatsapp: 6236 4245 

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性